Friday, June 11, 2010


Since 2007 I have been reading so many positive comments regarding former Chez Panisse pastry chef and author David Lebovitz's "The Perfect Scoop: Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, and Sweet Accompaniments" that it was impossible for me to resist the temptation of trying one of his wonderful recipes before adding this book to my shopping list...

As we are getting juicy, perfectly ripe, exh
aliratingly fragrant and candy-like strawberries from Switzerland and as the temperatures have risen a little (29° C/84° F) lately, I thought that it would be a great opportunity to test David's mouthwatering "Strawberry Sorbet". I mean, there isn't a better way of using strawberries without altering their natural taste and adding any overpowering flavor - it is important to be able to taste the delicate and original fragrance of the fruits used, especially if the fruits are really good).

This "Strawberry Sorbet" is very easy to make and so delicious. It is delightfully fruity, fresh, sweet and has just the right amount of tartness. The addition of Kirsch is imperceptible. This cherry spirit is totally undetectable, yet it seems to add a layer of flavor to the sorbet, a little "je ne sais quoi" and, of course, it lowers the the freezing temperature, resulting in a softer, smoothier (not icy) and fluffier texture.

I was really satisfied with this "Strawberry Sorbet" recipe. The sorbet was so heavenly that I had to make some more the next day. I am really looking forward to being the happy owner of David Lebovitz's very promising book!

~ Strawberry Sorbet ~
Recipe adapted from "The Perfect Scoop: Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, and Sweet Accompaniments" by David Lebovitz, published by Ten Speed Press.

Makes about 3 cups or 750ml.

500g (17 oz) Strawberries, rinsed and hull removed
3/4 Cup (150g) Castor sugar
1 Tsp Kirsch (optional/see remarks)
1 Tsp Fresh lemon juice
A pinch of sea salt

1. Cut the strawberries in small slices. Combine them with the sugar and kirsch in a medium bowl. Stir so that the sugar starts to dissolve.
2. Cover the bowl with plastic cling wrap. Refrigerate for one hour without forgetting to stir once or twice during the cooling process.
3. Put the contents of the bowl in a blender and purée the strawberries and their liquid together with the lemon juice and sea salt until it is homegenous in texture.
4. Sieve the mixture in order to remove the seeds (I didn't do that/optional).
5. Put the mixture in your ice cream maker and start churning until it is no more runny and a gelato-like dense texture.

You can replace the kirsch with another alcohol ou just leave it out.
It is possible to replace the alcohol by the same quantity balsamic vinegar (it enhances the flavor of strawberries).
You can also spice your sorbet with mint, basil, pepper, etc...

Serving suggestions:
Serve this sorbet with fresh berries or any fruit of your choice.
You can also accompany it with cookies (Almond Biscotti, Italian Ricotta Cookies, Tuiles, etc...) or a slice of cake (Almond Cake From Reims, Lemon Chestnut Cake, Orange Cornmeal Cake, etc...).


~ Sorbet A La Fraise ~
Recette adaptée du livre "The Perfect Scoop: Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, and Sweet Accompaniments" par David Lebovitz.

Donne 750 ml de glace.

500g Fraises, rinsées et équeutées
150g de Sucre cristallisé
1 CC de Kirsch (en option/voir remarques)
1 CC de Jus de citron frais
Une pincée de sel de mer

1. Couper les fraises en petits morceaux. Les mettre dans un bol et ajouter le sucre ainsi que le kirsch et bien mélanger.
2. Mettre les fraises au frigo pendant 1 heure et remuer de temps en temps afin que le sucre se dissolve.
3. Dans un mixer, réduire les fraises en une purée fine avec le citron et le sel.
4. Passer le mélange au chinois afin d'enlever les graines (je ne l'ai pas fait).
5. Mettre le mélange au frigo. Le transférer dans la sorbetière eafin d'obtenir un mélange dense et ayant la texture d'une glace.

Vous pouvez remplacer le kirsch par l'alcool de votre choix ou ne pas ajouter d'alcool du tout.
Il est possible de remplacer l'acool par la même quantité de vinaigre balsamique (réhausse la saveur).
A vous de voir si vous désirez épicer votre sorbet avec de la menthe, basilic, du poivre, etc...

Idées de présentation:
Servez ce sorbet avec des baies ou le(s) fruit(s) de votre choix.
Vous pouvez aussi manger ce sorbet avec des cookies (Biscotti Aux Amandes, Cookies Italiens A La Ricotta, Tuiles, etc...) ou du cake (Gâteau De Reims, Cake Au Citron Et A La Farine De Châtaigne, Cake A l'Orange Et A La Farine De Maïs, etc...).


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