Saturday, June 26, 2010


The summer solstice has just passed and July is close. I can't believe that half of the year has already flyed by... And once again, the end of the month is the time when we are asked to share our Daring Bakers' creations with the rest of the world. It is just insane to see how time goes by and how many challenges I have already completed (33) since I started in October 2007.

The June 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was ho
sted by Dawn of "Doable and Delicious" who challenged the Daring Bakers’ to make "Chocolate Pavlovas" and Chocolate Mascarpone Mousse. The challenge recipe is based on a recipe from the book "Chocolate Epiphany" by Francois Payard.

Although I am generally prone to be a little stressed and psyched out by the things we have to bake, this challenge didn't make me panicky. On the contrary, I felt comfortable with it and totally confident when it came to executing the recipe given. The reason for my unusual confidence is that I have made meringue, chocolate mousse, crème anglaise and mascarpone more than once and I felt totally at ease with the process of making all the components of the "Chocolate Pavlovas". No big deal!

As a matter of fact, my "Chocolate Pavlovas" were made in a very relaxed atmosphere. The meringue shells were baked in whiz a few days before I prepared the rest of the elements composing this dessert. Then, on Friday, while listening to my favorite music I very cooly got the challenge finished...

I didn't change much to the original recipe. Instead of flavoring the chocolate mousse with lemon zest and nutmeg, I decided to add some ground tonka (bean) instead and as I had no Sambucca for the crème anglaise, I replaced it with good ol' Whisky.

Those "Chocolate Pavlovas" looked very cute and tasted just
exquisite. Contrarily to what I believed at first they were really not too sweet and absolutely not cloying. In fact, this dessert is really refined. The meringue shells have a exhaliratingly deep taste of cocoa, the chocolate mousse is not sugary at all, light, smooth, delicate lusciously chocolaty, and the crème anglaise gives just the right flavor contrast with it's voluptuous aromas of vanilla and whisky. Just splendid.

I wish to thanks Dawn for having chosen that divine. This recipe is definitely a keeper!

~ Chocolate Pavlovas ~
Recipe from Francois Payard's "Chocolate Epiphany".

Preparation time:

The recipe can be made in one day althoug
h there are several steps involved.
While the pavlovas are baking, the crème anglaise should be mad
e which will take about 15 minutes.
While it is cooling, the chocolate mascarpone mousse can be made which will take about 15 minutes.
There will be a bit of a wait time for the mascarpone cream because of
the cooling time for the Crème Anglaise.
If you make the Crème Anglaise the day before, the dessert should take about 2 hours including cooking time for the pavlovas.

Equipment required:

• Baking sheet(s) with parchment or silpat

• Several bowls
• Piping bag with pastry tip

• Hand or stand mixer



3 Large egg whites
1/2 Cup plus 1 Tbs (110g) White granulated sugar

1/4 Cup (30g) Confectioner’s (icing) sugar
1/3 Cup (30g) Cocoa powder

1. Place a rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 200º F (95º C) degrees.
2. Line two baking sheets with silpat or parchment and set aside.

3. Put the egg whites in a bowl and whip until soft peaks form.
4. Increase speed to high and gradually add granulated sugar about 1 tbsp at a
time until stiff peaks form. (The whites should be firm but moist.)
5. Sift the confectioner’s sugar and cocoa powder over the egg whites and fold the dry ingredients into the white. (This looks like it will not happen. Fold gently and it will eventually come together.)

6. Fill a pastry bag with the meringue. Pipe the meringue into whatever shapes you desire. Alternatively, you could just free form your shapes and level them a bit with the back of a spoon. (Class made rounds, hearts, diamonds and an attempt at a clover was made!)
7. Bake for 2-3 hours until the meringues become dry and crisp.
8. Cool and store in an airtight container for up to 3 days.



1 1/2 Cups (355ml) Heavy cream (cream with a milk fat content of between 36 and 40 %)
9 Ounces (255g) 72% Chocolate, chopped
1 2/3 Cups (390ml) Mascarpone (homemade version here)
1/3 Tsp Ground tonka bean

1. Put 1/2 cup (120 mls) of the heavy cream an
d the ground tonka bean in a saucepan over medium high heat.
2. Once warm, add the chocolate and whisk until melted and smooth.
3. Transfer the mixture to a bowl and let sit at room temperature until cool.
4. Place the mascarpone and the remaining cup of cream in a bowl.
5. Whip on low for a minute until the mascarpone is loose, then
whip on medium speed until it holds soft peaks. (DO NOT OVERBEAT AS THE MASCARPONE WILL BREAK.)
6. Mix about 1/4 of the mascarpone mixture into the chocolate to lighten.
7. Fold in the remaining mascarpone until well incorporated.
8. Fill a pastry bag with the mousse. ( Again,
you could just free form mousse on top of the pavlova.)



1 Recipe Crème anglaise
(see recipe below)
1/2 Cup (120ml) Mascarpone (homemade version here)
2 Tbs (30ml) Whisky
1/2 Cup (120ml) Heavy cream

1. Prepare the crème anglaise.
2. Slowly whisk in the mascarpone and the Whisky a
nd let the mixture cool.
3. Put the cream in a bowl and beat with electric mixer until very soft peaks are
4. Fold the cream into the mascarpone mixture.



1 Cup (235ml) Whole milk
1 Cup (235ml) Heavy cream
1 Vanilla bean, split or 1 Tsp Pure vanilla extract

6 Large egg yolks
6 Tbs (75 g) Sugar

1. In a bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and sugar until the mix
ture turns pale yellow.
2. Combine the milk, cream and vanilla in a saucepan over medium high hea
t, bringing the mixture to a boil. Take off the heat.
3. Pour about 1/2 cup of the hot liquid into the yolk mixture, whisking constantly to keep from making scrambled eggs.

4. Pour the yolk mixture into the pan with the remaining cream mixture and put the heat back on medium.
5. Stir constantly with a wooden spoon until the mixture thickens enough to lightly coat the back of a wooden spoon. (DO NOT OVERCOOK.)
6. Remove the mixture from the heat and strain it through a fine mesh sieve into a bowl.
7. Cover and refrigerate until the mixture is thor
oughly chilled, about 2 hours or overnight.



Pipe the mousse onto the pavlovas and drizzle with the mascarpone cream over the top.
Dust with confectioner’s sugar and fresh
fruit if desired.


Etant donné la longueur du texte original, je n'ai malheureusement pas pu faire une traduction française de ce billet et je m'en excuse auprès de tous mes amis lecteurs et blogueurs francophones!

C'est pourquoi je vous suggère de vous rendre sur le blog mentionné ci-dessous. Vous y trouverez cette recette en version française.

Chez Isa de "Les Gourmandises d'Isa" (Canada)
Chez Vibi de "La Casserole Carrée" (Canada)


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