Friday, July 29, 2011


Sausage Salad 2 bis
On Monday, the 1st of August, Switzerland will be celebrating the 720th anniversary of the Foundation of the Confederation, so for that occasion I decided to adapt a traditional dish that is generally served on this day and write a long-awaited guest post for a foodblogger I really appreciate...

Being the proscratinator that I am, it took me a few months to come up with an article which I could consider worthy of Leemei Tan's lovely blog "
My Cooking Hut". For me, accepting such an offer means that I have to give the best of myself in order to honor my host. It is a question of respect.

So, after hours of reflection, I opted for a Swiss dish that would put our culinary customs and history into the spotlight. But, I did not want to speak about a speciality that is well-known. No. If I am going to blog about one of my country's treats, there is no way I am going to present something that has been advertised over and over in every foreign magazine and book. I delight in making others discover new things and expanding their knowledge.

Sausage Salade Radishes 1 3 bis
With "Rosa's Yummy Yums", my aim is to enlighten people on the origins of the recipes and foods I feature as well as to make them think. I strive to transform each of your visit into unforgettable experience and culturally enrichening. I am not interested in being just another uninspiring blogger. I have the desire to emerge from the mass and be different or unusual. It is important for me to show my true nature and personality. Do I I succeed in doing so? I don't know. The only ones to be able to judge of that are my faithful (or not so loyal) readers...

Anyway, as I said before, most individuals living outside of Switzerland are not familiar with the course I have chosen to introduce you: "Cervelas Salad". In French it is called "Salade De Cervelas, in German "Wurstsalat", in Italian "Insalata Di Salsiccie" and in Rumantsch "Salata Da Liongia". It is very popular in our land (especially in Swiss Germany), but lacks recognition elsewhere, although it is mighty delectable.

Of course, I had to adapt the original formula to make it my own (I rarely leave a recipe as it is), but at the end, it still tastes very Swiss, rustic and has retained it's humble aspect. I didn't denature it. I just added a gourmet and refined touch to it, thus transforming it into something that could well be served at the table of any fashionable restaurant, bar, canteen or lunchonette.

So, if
that short introduction made your mouth water, tickled your curiosity and captivated you, then please head over to "My Cooking Hut" in order to read my article, get a glimpse of my pictures and discover my scrumptious recipe for "Swiss Sausage Salad". I hope you'll enjoy my post!


My salad is also featured on the site

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Etant donné que beaucoup de mes lecteurs francophones ne comprennent pas forcément l'anglais et que malheureusement peu d'entre-eux auront la chance de lire mon billet invité et dernier article en date sur le merveilleux blog de ma collègue Leemei Tan de "My Cooking Hut", je me suis permise de traduire la recette qui y figure afin que vous puissiez aussi en profiter car je pense qu'elle pourra vous intéresser (vous pouvez tout de même y jeter un coup d'oeil car ses photos sont très belles et mon article contient d'autres images que celles exposées ici).

J'espère que ce plat traditionnel et campagnard
vous plaira. Cette version améliorée est ma façon de rendre hommage à mon pays ainsi qu'à sa cuisine aux multi facettes, à l'occasion de la Fête Nationale du 1ier Août...

Sausage Salad 1 bis
~Salade De Saucisses Suisse ~
Recette par Rosa Mayland, Juillet 2011.

Pour 2-3 personnes.

Ingrédients Pour La "Salade":

2 Gousse d'ail, finement hachées
1 Onion rouge (moyen), coupé en fine rondelles
10-12 Radis rouges, coupés en fines rondelles
280g de Gruyère (salé ou moyen), coupé en allumettes
1 (200g) Schüblig (crue), coupée en demi-lunes
1 (100g) Cervelas (cru), coupé en demi-lunes
1/2 Bouquet (ou selon goût) de persil plat, haché
Ingrédients Pour La "Vinaigrette":
1 CC de Moutarde douce
2 CS de Vinaigre de malt
1 CS de Vinaigre balsamic blanc
5 CS d'Huile d'olive vierge
1/3 CC de Flocons de piment turc
Sel de mer fin, à volonté
Poivre noir fraîchement moulu, à volonté

Sausage Salad Apple 1 1 bis
Méthode Pour La "Salade":
1. Dans un bol moyennement grand, mélanger ensemble tous les ingrédients pour la salade.
Méthode Pour La "Vinaigrette":
2. Dans un petit bol, émulsionner ensemble tous les ingrédients pour la vinaigrette. Ajouter la sauce à la salade et mélanger délicatement.
3. Servir.

Vous pouvez remplacer le cervelas et le schüblig par 300g de mortadella coupée en morceaux (pas de tranches fines), 300g de saucisse de frankfort, de saucisse de Vienne ou de cervelas d'Alsace coupés en demi-lunes.
Utiliser du piment d'espelette en poudre au lieu des flocons de piment turc.
Si vous n'avez pas de vinaigre de malt ou balsamique blanc, 3 CS de vinaigre de vin blanc feront parfaitement l'affaire.

Idées de présentation:
Servir cette salade à température ambiante (le fromage et la saucisse ne doivent pas être froids) et l'accompagné de pain, pommes de terres à l'eau ou de macaronis.

Sausage Salad 5 bis

0 Gondola Fever

BEAR and I are too busy shipping out your chateaux to jump in a Venice canal and think about gondolas...
But no reason YOU can't dream of gondolas...

'Gondolier Fever' has been going on since Canaletto and before after all...

It does look terribly relaxing...

Gondola dancing anyone...

Who knew?

Are there gondola parking lots?

Can you get a ticket for double parking?

Which would you rather have?

A ride in a gondola...

Or a pistachio gelato? I know my answer...Hmmm

Pistachio wins hands down.

I think I caught gondola fever from looking at this watercolor book by Jean-Louis Morelle. Though the only Venice scene is on the cover - sometimes that's all it takes...

Please vote in the comments if you would like a gondola watercolor SALE on Monday...

Oui or Non...

Chateaux are shipping out TODAY by Priority Mail not gondolas - too slow!


Thursday, July 28, 2011

0 Artist's Journal Workshop

I'm awfully late posting today Darling PBers I know, but you overwhelmed me with your enthusiasm for yesterday's Bordeaux chateaux watercolors!

WOW WOW WOW & BIG MERCI! I would head off for Paris this minute if it wasn't the worse time of the year to do so. *FYI-if you bought more than 1 painting yesterday you were overcharged on shipping and it will be refunded to you PDQ. I messed up filling out the forms on Etsy.

Please forgive :(

On to the wonderful subject of sketchbook journals - they seem to be rampant these days. And why not? Travelers forever have been recording their thoughts, notes and doodles in journals/carnet du voyage.
You don't have to be a so-called 'artiste' to join in the fun. Not at all!

Cathy Johnson's latest, ARTIST'S JOURNAL WORKSHOP will tell you how if you have any doubts at all how to begin doodling in a journal...

Wouldn't you know some PBers are in this book! Rick Tulka, who has nothing to do in Paris but hang out all day, everyday in Cafe Le Select clandestinely sketching - his drawings are brill.

PBer Jeanette, Mistress of Longears Manoir, who mostly spends her time madly chasing rabbits off her estate/chateau in Kansas city is also well represented.

You don't have to be an artist to go crazy over tiny paintboxes (see above). I picked up another little one in Portland, Maine last Saturday though Gawd only knows why!! These things are like macarons - addictive.

Cathy's book addresses important issues like overcoming first page jitters or how to draw your lunch or your sleeping cat or when you should journal. She has a blog as well devoted to sketch journaling.

At one point I used to make my own sketbook-journals...

There are piles of these things lurking in my closet...

Along with my 'Bordeaux chateau' period and 'Daffodil' period I had 'Gondolier
Fever' for a while... It's a pretty contagious disease...

You're bound to catch it at one time or another. You don't even have to go to Venice to get it but it certainly helps.

I'm thinking of having a Gondolier Fever SALE...

Full details tomorrow.



Wednesday, July 27, 2011

0 Chateaux in Bordeaux

Chateaux in Bordeaux watercolor by Carol Gillott Chateau Beychevelle Bourdeaux, watercolor, 9 1/2" x 13"
Why not sit back, pour a glass and check out all the Bordeaux chateaux watercolors I found lurking in my closet...
Chateaux in Bordeaux watercolor by Carol Gillott Champagne Moet & Chandon, watercolor, 9 1/2" x 13"
Chateaux in Bordeaux watercolor by Carol GillottChateau d'Yquem, watercolor, 9 1/2" x 13"
Chateaux in Bordeaux You love Sauternes

Chateaux in Bordeaux watercolor by Carol Gillott Chateau Margaux, watercolor, 9 1/2" x 13"

chateaux watercolor by carol gillott

Chateau Mouton Rothschild, watercolor, 9 1/2" x 13"

I could use a glass of Ch. Latour right this minute myself...


Chateaux in Bordeaux I may have to go back to Bisoux to get some more Caneles...

MERCI for supporting Maine lobsters & Parisbreakfast


Zopf Kirsch bis 1 2 bis
- Aqua Vitae -

This picture was submitted to "Black & White Wednesday", an event created by Susan at "The Well-Seasoned Cook".

I have some great news to share with you folks!

Remember me talking about my first ever radio interview (in French) which I gave in May? Well, it will finally get aired on Sunday the 31st of July on RSR La Premère, from 12:00 to 12:30 pm CET (link to live streaming).

For those who don't live in Europe and who will not be able to listen to the programm live, it will also be available for 30 days via podcast. I hope you'll enjoy it!

Baked Apricots Immortelle Flower 2 bis
J'ai de très bonnes nouvelles à partager avec vous, chers amis!

Peut-être que vous vous repelez de mon billet dans lequel je parlais de mon premier interview radio qui pris place en mai de cette année? Et bien, l'émission "La Fourchette Du Dimanche" sera diffusée ce dimanche 31 juillet sur les ondes de La Premère (RSR), de 12:00 à 12:30 pm (lien vers le live streaming).

Pour ceux d'entre vous qui n'habitez pas en Europe, il vous sera aussi possible de retrouver cette émission sur podcast, pendant 30 jours. J'espère que vous aurez du plaisir à m'écouter!

Pregny Property B & W 1 bis

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

0 Adieu Maine

Adieu Lobster by Carol Gillott Adieu Lobster, watercolor, 9" x 11" I'm hating to leave Maine just as much as you are :)
The last day of David Dewey's workshop is a half day spent close to his house so we can eat a farewell lunch together.
David's palette. However does he get such brilliant color with such a messy palette?
David demos and explains - the sliver of his shirt hanging out just happens to match the yellow-green in his painting. Maybe if I wore more color?
We get the crit before we eat lunch today.
Everyone side-by-side.
LUNCH and what I ate:
Watermelon Salad with Mint Leaves

1 (5-pound) watermelon
1 Vidalia or other sweet onion
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
Salt and pepper
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint
4 ounces feta cheese, crumbled
6 whole mint sprigs
Rick said:
if you really ate all that food you posted, you must be stuffed!!!!!!
Yes, I ate:
1 Lobster Roll
1 clam roll
2 steamed lobsters
2 plates of steamed clams
1 blueberry slice pie
1 rhubarb slice pie
2 Haddock sandwiches
Too much ice creamEverything tastes much better up there.
Now I'm on a mostly CARROTS regime :(
This is where I stayed on the left.
Saturday I went off to Portland. My plane was early Sunday morning.
Natch I had to see the John Marin exhibit at the Portland Museum of Art.
I loved the old photos of Marin almost as much as the paintings.
His wild and wooly watercolors of the Maine ocean...
Made quite a splash in his time - he was ahead of his time really.
He certainly knew how to do a portrait shot!
So it's finally Adieu Maine.
And tomorrow it's BONJOUR BORDEAUX!

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