Thursday, July 14, 2011

0 quelle désastre MACARONS!

SOS! EMI...911?
Calling Dr. Jill (of Mad About Macarons)
Yes, I tried to make macarons this morning enfin. After consulting an insane number of books in THREE languages and being up till 1 AM checking again every internet recipe bla bla bla
And I have an insane amount of equipment some of which I kept losing in the process.
Like I lost this special scaper I bought with Dr. Jill in Paris at Mora. Go figure?
Somehow I managed to measure out the 90 grams of egg whites on my new metric scale (which I haven't figured out yet - never mind). I even had a few squiggles of yolk mixed in - it didn't seem to hurt a bit. Who knew?
PS - I did NOT age my egg whites for 16 days on the kitchen counter but instead nuked em for 20 seconds - I think it worked fine - qui sait?
I got the almond flour from Amazon - 5 POUNDS of it! So this is an ongoing process till I figure these %$#@ macarons out.
Dr. Jill says to beat the Hell out of the egg whites...hmmm
Practice makes perfect - not there yet.
The 'Macaronage' - the dreaded infernal mixing of the egg whites and almond flour etc. was a bitch. Getting the stuff into the pastry bag was an even bigger bitch.
Sorry PBers. This post is 'R' rated.
My little babies did not come out so nice - c'est la vie
But they did form the appropriate skin on them to the touch after 30 minutes.
The Doc said it's all about knowing YOUR oven and to get an oven thermometer - I did as I was told.
I got 'FEET'!
kind of.
Malheureusement I did not cook them long enough.
And I used 'Superfine' sugar instead of the required GRANULATED.I don't want to think about the mess I made of the macaronage :(
MAD MAC meets Sad Sack.
Still I am NOT discouraged dear PBers.
Ever onward into the breach!I will be tackling chocolate macarons as soon as I post this.
Pray that there is some improvement dear friends.
Besides I have FIVE POUNDS of Almond Flour to get through.
My ganache mess.
They say you must be organized to make macarons...hmmm
I will say even though I failed with flying colors it was A LOT OF FUN!


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