Tuesday, July 19, 2011

0 Painting with David Dewey

Monday- first day out painting in Rockland, Maine with David Dewey. This is our subject matter or whatever you feel like painting.
David starts his demo at 9AM with a thumbnail painting of the two chairs. David talks and paints while we watch. And listen.
I doodle.
Then on to painting!
At 4 o'clock David crits our work.
Shirley Cook did this wonderfully loose watercolor.
This is Shirley's terrific thumbnail.
Sue DelPonte's lovely page combining drawing, paint swatches and large thumbnail.
My combo thumbnail/watercolor of the two chairs. The first day is always the hardest, getting your feet wet in watercolor.
Speaking of feet, the majority of workshoppers are wearing Keen's shoes. Next time.
And then la piece de la resistance of the day!
FRIED CLAM SANDWICHES at the Rockland Cafe!Yay
Official LOBSTER DAY for us is on Thursday so we must wait.
But it's impossible to wait for ice cream cones.
Maine deck chairs are everywhere, even miniature versions.


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