Sunday, April 1, 2012

0 Paris Je T'Aime

 Last night I saw this sign at a Bagel place in Paris. It also said I♥New York and I♥Bagels in the window.
 Remember the movie 'PARIS JE T'AIME'?
The music is perfect for how I feel this trip.
 Yesterday I saw this adorable French kiddie dans la rue.
 Yesterday I met YSL's latest French Bull terrier, Moujik (at Yves St. Laurant's studio visit) Il est adorable vraiment! Le Roi de chiens de Paris.
 Yesterday I had a simple repast with French Girl - du fromage (from La fromagerie bien sur), du confiteur, du salade des lentilles.
 I didn't know it's OK to put jam on top of your cheese (chevre frais). There's always something new to learn from French Girl - she's my Parisian encyclopedia.
 Last night leaving French Girl's apartment I waved goodby to the Tour Eiffel.
 I visited the Babar exhibit at the musee des arts decoratifs on Tuesday.
 Yesterday I returned to pick up a Babar book and they gave me a gift-with-purchase! A new friend for Bear. He's happy as a clam.
 This morning the view off my balcon..
Altogether this trip to Paris has been extraordinary.
Somehow reading Pamela Druckerman's Bringing Up Bebe helped break through an invisible wall that exists with the French.
The famous French 'attention to detail' does not just apply to perfect pastries or delicious parfums.
Showing respect for their rules + kindness makes life much easier here.
I got to have a coffee with Pamela and yesterday she emailed me to please vote for her on Time Magazine as a contributor of worth for 2012.
If you enjoyed her book or the lecons learned here please give her your support.
Her book made my trip so special.
Bye Bye Paris!


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