Sunday, April 29, 2012

1 La Galerie des Gobelins

You should.
 Louise Chauchard/Raids-Patisserie is the best Parisian pastry expert par excellence I know. Her analysis of Paris pastries are some of the most interesting and most creative. Her photos are delectable.
 Our plan tea at La Galerie des Gobelins at posh Plaza Athenee.
 Louise arrives and I'm instantly smitten with lust for her velvet Repetto ballet bag.
 Getting in La Galerie des Gobelins is not a piece of cake. Even for cake bloggers par excellence. You need to reserve a room(€750) to take tea the salon. Outsiders have a snowball's chance in hell. The pastries by top chef Christolphe Michalak look divine in the case but. We're told we can wait (and pray) for a non-reserved seat for non-residents.
Louise is not best pleased and suggests we go elsewhere.
(I would have waited forever but nevermind).We head to Champs-Elysees to
 Bar Le Lucien in Hotel Fouquet
 Louise shoots our amuse bouche/little mignardises starters.
 The tray of pastries arrives!
 Louise chooses.
 While we wait Louise digs into her exquisite ballet bag.(maim miam)
 And proudly shows me her point shoes, which hurt like Hell she mentions in passing. One must dance if one is to eat pastries all day long.
My only thoughts are, how I can grab the bag, abscond with it and race for the door? But this isn't an option. Louise lets me know I can come and take a free first ballet class if I'd like.
 Louise's violette-framboise macaron 'sandwich' arrives. She thinks the raspberries are too big and doesn't care for the way they are 'spitting out the jam', ahem.
It tastes better than it looks...not too sweet.
 My choice is not so successful.
 It's a knock-off of Pierre Herme's superb Montebello but more to come later.
 Perhaps the most delicious desserts lurk in the ladies loo at Bar Le Lucien.
 I instantly fall in love with this drawing by Maxim's artist SEM.
 Will we ever be allowed into La Galerie des Gobelins to taste Michelak's FAB desserts?
This is the question that haunts.
I've considered going daily and hanging out in the lobby till midnight and making a general pest of myself.
What do you think?
Do you know someone who can get us in?
Do tell.
Meanwhile the teddybear lollies will sadly go unlicked by us experts :(
Please visit Louise at Raids-Patisserie and explore.
You do NOT have to reserve a room first.
You're allowed to PIN too!
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