Monday, April 23, 2012

0 Bear makes Ice Cream!

 Bear adores ice cream.
So do I.
 And I love to paint ice cream.
 When my niece, chef Louisa Shafia invited me over to test some recipes - her saffron frozen yogurt ice cream - I didn't say no!
 And I got to make the ice cream!
churn-churn soooo easy.
 Lousia made us ice cream sandwiches. Are you melting yet?
 Naturally I had to get a Donvier (non-electric) ice cream maker like Louisa's. And naturally I went hunting for easy frozen yogurt recipes. I found Food For My Family's Lemon yogart. Ta Da!
 Plus Greek Fage yogurt was on sale last week.
 Bear and I added a little extra lime zest + juice. It calls for just 2 T of grated zest. We may have gone a little overboard on the zest.
 But how the heck can you measure out zest with these high-tech microplanes? I much prefer Chef Marthe's Paris gizmo - the zest collects neatly inside the handle.
I'm getting the source for this one.
 Sometimes Bear drops the lemon into the yogart mixure. Whoops
 Do wear white when making frozen yogurt ice cream.
All my clothes now have white spodges on them.
 It takes just a few turns of the Donvier paddle in a 20 minute timespan et voila!
Easy peasy and better than store bought ice cream. Plus you know exactly what's in it. I tried making straight-up frozen yogurt with no sugar but that fell flat. We better had success with 2 mangos + 3 cups of yogurt + 1/2 C sugar + lemon. Do not measure out the yogart into a measuring cup. Just dish it out straight from the container.
 Bear and Babar were thrilled with the tart, lemony flavor and creamy texture.
I'm thrilled to announce with 'The Smaller Spoon' diet.
Bear's tiny 2 1/2" spoon is coming with me to Paris.
You HAVE to eat slower with this spoon!


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