Saturday, October 30, 2010


Halloween 1.4 bis
So, time has come for all you ghouls to worship the Pumpkin God, play spooky tricks on the living, roam the streets like zombies and threaten the good people with your incantation-like "trick or treat" spine-chilling sentence...

Halloween 2.2 bis
The 31st of October marks Samhain (or All Hallow's Eve), the end of the harvest as well as that of the "lighter half" and the beginning of the "darker half". According to Gaelic tradition it is a time during which the borders between the world of the living and realm (otherworld) of the dead, the home of deities and the stronghold of supernatural spirits similar to elves or fairies become thin.

If you are hiding home behind boarded windows and trying to stay away from the monsters that are amongst us, you might want to make a few recipes to uplift your soul and keep you sane, so don't forget to check my "Halloween Food Ideas" Page.

Halloween 3.1 bis

Thursday, October 28, 2010

0 Salon du Chocolat 2010!

Salon du Chocolat 2010!!!
Normally I just show you...
Masses and masses of...
Mustn't forget the almighty cocoa bean!
I thought this time I'd show you some of the wild inventive chocolate designs.
Cacao Sampaka of Barcelona has boxed sets
Of unusually flavored chocolates.
Malarchocolaterie of Sweden has gorgeously packaged choco bars...
In exotic flavors...
So much chocolate...
You get to choose each one.
Walls of AMMA chocolate bars...
Jean-Charles Rochoux.
Michel Cluizel.
Andy Warholesque caneles boxes...
Brightly colored guimaves...
Edible Xmas trees!
More trees on a Jean-Paul Hevin Xmas gateaux.
Arnaud Larher macarons with a flavor guide...
A wavy Chapon box of chocolates..
With matching teapots...
How ever do you choose?
Are you into 'percentage' chocolate bars?
Which do you prefer?
Our peanut butter in France becomes pate a tartiner de noissete or creme de caramel a la fleur de sel to name just a few of many flavors available at the Salon.
I loved this cleverly designed fan chocolate map...
Chocolate hedgehogs anyone?
Are your hands full of chocolate by now?
Then wash them with this round chocolate soap!
Bone up ahead on chocolate tasting with Chloe Doutre-Roussel's detailed Chocolate Connoisseur.
Or perhaps you'd rather make your own chocolate extravaganza?
Trish Deseine's luscious I WANT CHOCOLATE will get you salivating.
Shall we all get up and do a dance to CHOCOLATE!!!
infos Practique:
Salon du Chocolat 2010, Porte de Versailles – Pavillons 5-2 et 5-3
Metro #12
Du 28 octobre au 1er novembre 2010 - Horaires : de 10h à 19h
Tarifs : Adultes : 12,50 € - Enfants jusqu’à 12 ans : 6 € - Gratuit jusqu'à 3 ans
Infoline : 01 40 72 51 62

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

0 Are The French Goofy?

Are the French Goofy?
What do you think?
You could say they have a long tradition of fantasie certainment.
Cat umbrellas wearing furry coats - definitely goofy.
What about this popsicle?
And the French obsession with penny candy?
This big stand has been at the Odeon Metro for years...
Goofy Halloween lingerie!
Who needs it?
Did you know in his spare time YSL sketched naughty, goofy Lulu cartoons?
What about Burberry Parfums offering a give-away teddy bear?
Would you find this in Bergdorf Goodmans?
Does your dog wish to see his/her face in his/her dog bowl?
You can always depend on Plastiques on 103, rue de Rennes to supply goofiness for the whole family.
Eiffel Tower salt shakers are rather practical.
I must remember to pick up some...
La Vaissellerie has a ready supply of goofy stuff...
Have you ever noticed how many otherwise serious and refined boulangeries have goofy figurines around the shop?
I forgot to show you yesterday the giant Superman floating over Printemps Cupcakes Gallery - I just don't get some of these French obsessions...
Goofing around with paper cutouts is HUGE in Paris - you'll see this stuff everywhere and I don't think it's for the tourists. French Girl has tons of goofy stuff in her apartment by the way-more to come... L.APPARTEMENT, a rather chic shop in the 7th arrondissement, is full of goofy tchotchkas.
Skull and bones muffin tins anyone?
What is this stuff anyway?
These are Parisiens leche-vitrine not tourists.
And these Parisiens are happily marching in to buy nutty, goofy tchotchkas. For even more Frenchie dottiness do stop in Colette on 213, St.-Honore 75001!
I guess people who live in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones. Anyone who goes around with a bear in her purse has got to be seriously goofy non?


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