Wednesday, September 1, 2010

0 Meilleurs chaussons aux pommes

Better close your eyes today PBers. You're in for some rough going. Gather your strength for an homage to the lovely golden chaussons aux pommes.

Blame Le Figaro for reminding s of les chaussons many joys. Le Figaro did another one of their superb test des meilleurs. Natruellement I immediatement searched through all pics for Chaussons I've eaten or admired in Paris. I did not come up empty-handed. Do watch the Le Figaro video...

et voila!
My fav chausson is from...
This no-name/anonymes boulangerie on rue de Rennes...
Who knew to look for chaussons aux pommes here?
Boulangerie Des Pains et Des Idees has a rather grand exterior...
This French mommy seems to have filled her poussette with bread. Where is bebe?
The interior of Des Pain etc. is nothing to sniff.
Well worth a visit if you like to gawk at antique fixtures. I do.
The viennoisserie look absolutely glorious...
Do they not?
Still I prefer my boulangerie anonymes to Les Pain bla bla.

At least Poilane sticks with a 2-syllable family name, even if it is unpronounceble to most of us...

Their chaussons aux pommes de chez Poilane look too rustic. I prefer more pomme and less pastry. But what do I know? As Audrey of a Fr. perfume site said yesterday (she was not wearing any perfume!),

"You write about cakes and you do not eat cupcakes"

Guilty as charged.

Do you like Poilane's chaussons aux pommes?

The French are completement fou/crazy for these mini-baker figurines.They are a bit better then Hummel I guess...

The golden winner of Le Figaro's intensive research comes from Des Gateaux et Des Pains.

Since j'adore this pastry so much I re-wrote un petit chanson to des chaussons aux pommes, I was that inspired.

Hey chausson let me tell you why,
I can't live my life without you,oh
chausson aux pomme
everytime I see you dans la vitrine I get a thrill
you dont notice me but in time you will,

I must make you understand.....

I wanna be your man (I wanna be your man)
I wanna be your man (I do yeah,yeah)
I wanna be your man (I wanna be your man)
I wanna be your man (I wanna be your man)
Better not pass me by,cause if you do you'll lose a good
thing, (oh chausson de pomme)

Cause what I got to say is sealed with a bouche/bite
and a wedding ring (wedding ring)
My mind is blind at times
I can't see any one but you
Those other chausson aux pomme don't matter no they can't spoil my view
I must make you understand.....


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