Thursday, September 9, 2010

0 Breakfast in Paris

I would so LOVE to have breakfast in Paris this morning. Bear agrees. Bear suggested rue Royal. He's good at suggestions.
Tea seems very appealing this morning.
Although we'd both happily settle.
For a lesser venue if need be.
Bear does insist on his hot cuppa at cafe Le Select.
My first day in Paris, I had a lot of breakfasts.
Then I wised up and started shooting other people's breakfasts.
Their leftovers look good don't they? As still lifes I mean bien sur.
Even if I don't smoke or drink coffee.
I would so love to be in this Parisien's shoes.
Wouldn't you?
Yesterday my computer BLEW UP!
The inside of my head looks a lot like this.
The good news is I had to clean up my studio to find stuff.I haven't seen this bare table in perhaps years.
I had to clean up the back wall recently for a video conference with an overseas client.
"Necessity is the mother of invention"
Fortunately I'd already bought my ticket to Paris, the day before the computer died. I had to go buy a replacement.
Otherwise qui sait?
Come mid-October I will be leche le vitrine/licking the windows in Paris.
Then I will have a REAL Paris breakfast.
Meanwhile I have a big learning curve in front of me -
Windows 7
But I do have a clean studio to show for it all
One must look on the bright side of things right?


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