Monday, August 16, 2010

0 Paris Moms

 ALLO PB Moms!Are you out there? Do you want to know what Paris Moms are wearing?
And what Paris Bébés are wearing?
Les gosse/kids?
 Definitely les jeans.
Just like in NYC, Paris Moms push those pousettes/strollers every which way and you better keep your eyes peeled and feet out of the way or else.
Rather stylish too...
You can spot them a mile a way...
Paris dads know a thing or two about ice cream...
Some dads are famous pastry chefs...
Paris babes go early to the Salon du chocolat btw...
So many lecons to learn for Paris Bébés... Life can be tough for the Parisien child - choices, choices.
Some French kidlets ride right into Patisserie Pierre Herme on their tricycles.
There are certainment some lecons to learn from these Paris Moms and Dads...


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