Tuesday, August 10, 2010

0 Angelina For A Day...

I've been sitting here fantasizing working at Angelina for a day... Just for one day. How bad could that be? I know I'd be really terrific in the pastry brigade - Just let me at em! Miam! Lift that tarte citron - tote that tray. But carrying heavy trays laden chocolat chaud up stairs does not appeal to moi...pas de toute!

I think I'd stick to busing if you don't mind... After all, Angelina is a still life painters dream... Utterly dreamy non?
Perhaps I'd carry a little black Moleskine dans ma poche for quickie sketches between trays...
I'd tuck a twisted lemon peel in my pocket to give those still lifes a more Dutchie-look like this Pieter Claesz painting - pourquoi pas?
Angelina treats, watercolor at Etsy, 9" x 11"

Waiting on customers?
Hum...hum...pas si bien pour moi je pense...
I think I'd stick with les Paris doggies...
un peu d'eau mon ange?
After hours, maybe I'd tickle the keys a bit - Coco used to listen to this piano when she'd take a break from creating at Chanel...
Then I'd have a gouter of pate de chestnut - looks a lot like facial cream doesn't it oui?
When no one is looking.
I'd grab a bottle of Angelina chocolat for the ride home on the Metro.
Not too shabby wouldn't you say?


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