Friday, August 6, 2010

0 Bloggers' Night Out! with Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart knows how to put on a soiree! More framboise svp in my Honeydew Agua Fresca! Last night I attended Bloggers' Night Out put on by Martha Stewart and what a fab night it was! I thought you should come along and have some fun too... I love this bow-hat from Merci Dawn of One Girl Cookies. You have the BEST lill' chocolate sandwich cookies ever.

Have you ever had frozen melon-margarita pops?
You haven't lived. Brilliantly all the food served is in the current Martha mag, FOOD EVERYDAY, as I discovered on the subway home.
These blueberry slushies (very delish)
Were made by anyone who wanted to get on this bike and pedal!
S'Mores bien sur!!
There were lots of things to make and do at the soiree...
This darling gal made wedding party favors...
Like my new ring!
Martha's Daily Wag was there in full force. Woof.
Do you know Matt Bites site?
He's a dynamite food photographer and gives away his secrets like crazy. He's a darling man and I'm not just saying that 'cause he admired my Canon S90.
Love you Matt!
There were stupendous give-aways too. I was eye-balling the OttLite which I did not win but I bought one today at Amazon so soon I can have TrueColor lighting too.
Of course there were mini Whoopie Pies again from One Girl Cookies. Hey they're au courant ya know :)
I'm racing because I'm late for the BlogHer Conference! Eeek Must run. I'm speaking tomorrow so ya'll come SVP to:
Passions: Transforming Online Places into Art Spacesabout how to make it as an artist online bla bla bla

This giant Orea wedding cake was for looking not tasting...


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