Friday, March 30, 2012

0 Les petits bla-blas

 There are so many wonderful little shops in Paris full of delightful nonsense.
 Les Petits Bla-Blas fills the bill parfaitement.
7 rue du Crussol 75011
 These shops are meant for bebe shopping...
 But Paris brings out the enfant in us all.
 I fell hard for toys at Les Petits Bla-Blas.
 Adorable dollies!
 Ladybug/coccinelle buttons.
 If you're packing for Paris by all means bring something with a bird on it.
 Polka dots are IN big time even at La Bon Marche!
 I couldn't resist vintage facsimili French games by Marc Vidal.
 Do I really need to learn my ABCs again?
 On the other hand learning French politesse seems to be top of the list this trip. Manners count in France!
 A close family member has suggested I was 'raised with wolves', ahem. There were lots of books on wolves/les loups at Salon du Livre so maybe that's not such a bad thing in France.
 Yesterday I picked up Calme et Attentif Comme Une Grenouille(calm and attentive like a frog). It's meditation exercises for small children. Click and watch the video. You'll be instantly calmed and sleep through your nights.
 I've abstained from eating ice cream cones for a week.
But gorgeous weather in Paris has caused me to fall off the wagon. I'm hoping with daily froggie meditations I'll regain some restraint...
Bon Chance et Bonne Week-end! 


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