Wednesday, March 28, 2012

0 French Dogs Drink Champagne

 French dogs drink Champagne.
Who knew?
 'Shanghai' drinks Perrier on a hot day in the park.
 There are water fountains for French dogs at the marche.
 They have their own celebrity mugs decorated with Tintin's Milou/Snowy.
 French dogs on occasion ride in a pousette with an umbrella!
French dogs get 'prioritaire' seating on the Metro.
 Yet it's not unusual for French dogs to make betises/be naughty and eat food off the street (even after it's been on the ground more than 3 seconds).
 It's perfectly OK for French dogs to jump up on strangers.
 Bringing Up Bebe is my guide to understanding French behavior and I've come to the conclusion French children are far better behaved than French dogs.
In fact French dogs are spoiled rotten.
Even American dogs are better behaved.
 I bought this book because I liked the pictures. It's table manners for princesses-to-be. I can use this.
 For example, one does NOT say,
'GO TO THE TABLE!' or shout, 'DINNER!'
Instead say gently/doucement,
'We will now go to the table'
One should NEVER say,
'EAT!' either.
 I bought this plate illustrated by French artist Soledad Bravi because it was cute. But it's a 'message' plate telling a child,
'I eat with my mouth closed'
 French kid's plates don't say,
'Good Job' or 'All Gone!'
but instill good manners from the getgo.
I sat next to a 4-year old boy on the bus.
His maman/mom was nearby with a younger child in a pousette.
I overheard them whispering, including a 'pardon, Madame'.
(BTW listening to little kids is a great way to learn French)
When his mom said, 'Now we will get off the bus'
The little boy said to me in a loud voice,
I wanted to reply, 'Merci, Monsieur' :)
French cats are better behaved than French dogs BTW. Should someone write manners book for dogs?
'Bringing Up Toutou/doggie'


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