Saturday, March 31, 2012

0 If I Lived in Paris...

 So should I?
I'm thinking about it seriously.
 In 2 days I'll be back in New York.
 Looking at Paris street magnets on the fridge...
 Instead of the REAL thing dans le rue.
 If I lived in Paris I could show you les fleurs grande et petite.
By the way my French has improved a lot. People consistently respond to me in French (!) I just wish I understood what they were saying%$#@!
 I would show you many more ballerinas.
 Once a week I'd shoot with Mes VitrinesNYC the latest Paris fashion windows.
 And shoot more Paris backs regularly.
 I'd shoot more architecture...
 And more reflections in windows/vitrines.
 I could do more dessert research at Angelina's and other yummy places.
 And more coccinelle research.
I know you're all waiting for that. But honestly is there another town on the planet so smitten with this little red and black bug?
 Thanks to reading Bringing Up Bebe indepth before I left, I've been eating more fruit compote...
 And a lot less sweets (with a big helping hand from The Power of Habit).
 I will never give up MACARONS!
Don't worry.
I am wondering how Weight Watchers France found me? They're bombarding me with emails!?
 By the way I've become a BIG fan of La Grande Epicerie Paris macarons.
 Ah...Paris dogs.
They would be on my menu daily if I lived here.
 I'd shoot more shoes on the bus and metro.
Thanks to Jill of Mad About Macarons for pointing out that I did this. I didn't realize...
 When I finally finish my book on Paris, the back flap could say
'she's an ex-pat who lives in Paris'.
Wouldn't that be nice!
What do you think?
Should I do it?
Pin It

Friday, March 30, 2012


Spring Flowers 2 7 bis

- A -
Almond And Curry Bread (see recipe)
Almond Biscotti (see recipe)
Amaretti, Apricot Jam & Coconut Bars (see recipe)
Amaretto Yoghurt Cake (see recipe)
Apple And Cheddar Quiche (see recipe)
Apple Latkes (see recipe)
Asparagus With Parmesan And Fried Onions (see recipe)

- B -
Bagels (see recipe)
Banana Bread Pudding (see recipe)
Bakewell Tart (see recipe)
Basel Bread (see recipe)
Batbout M'khamer Bread (see recipe)
Beet Salad With Cottage Cheese & A Runny Egg (see recipe)Bostoni Cream Pie (see recipe)
Brazilian Toasts (see recipe)
Buttermilk Honey Bread (see recipe)

- C -
Cannelés Bordelais (see recipe)
Cannoli Napoleons (see recipe)
Cantuccini (see recipe)
Caramel Cake With Caramelized Butter Frosting (see recipe)
Caraway Seed Cake (see recipe)
Cardamom Crumb Cake (see recipe)
Caribbean Salt Cod (see recipe)
Carrot Bundt Cake (see recipe)
Cassata Cupcakes (see recipe)
Challah Bread (see recipe)
Cheddar, Bacon & Egg Scone sandwich (see recipe)
Cherry Delights (see recipe)
Cheese, Suçuk & Olive Pide Pies (see recipe)
Cheesecake Marbled Brownies (see recipe)
Cherry Tomato & Ricotta Tartlets (see recipe)
Chicken And Mushrooms In Creamy Saint Marcellin Sauce (see recipe)
Chickpea Terrine (see recipe)
Chinese Lemon Chicken (see recipe)
Chocolate & Salted Vanilla Whoopie Pies (see recipe)
Chocolate Cinnamon Bundt Cake (see recipe)
Chocolate Intensity Cake (see recipe)
Chocolate Mousse (see recipe)
Chocolate Pavlovas (see recipe)
Chocolate Pistachio Tartlets (see recipe)
Chocolate Valentino (see recipe)
Chopped Liver (see recipe)
Cinnamon Granola (see recipe)
Coconut Custard Squares (see recipe)
Colomba Pasquale (see recipe)
Cuchaule Brioche (see recipe)
Curry Parsnip & Apple Soup (see recipe)

- D -
Dark Chocolate Tart (see recipe)
Danish Braid (see recipe)
Deadly Blondies (see recipe)
Deluxe Traditional English Trifle (see recipe)
Dream Bars (see recipe)
Drop Dead Chocolate Cake (see recipe)

- E -
Earl Grey Chocolate Mousse (see recipe)
Easter Lamb-Shaped Bread (see recipe)
Eggs With Asian-Style Galangal & Rhubarb Vinaigrette (see recipe)

- F-
Feta, Almond & Cilantro Pesto (see recipe)
Feta And Fresh Herb Cake (see recipe)
Fish Rendang (see recipe)
Five Spice Rhubarb Muffins (see recipe)
Foie Gras Terrine (see recipe)
Flammeküche Pizza (see recipe)
Fragant Sweedish Rye Bread (see recipe)
French Artisan Bread (see recipe)
Frosted Spicy Rock Cakes (see recipe)

- G -
Georgian Kachapuri Flatbread (see recipe)
German Partybread (see recipe)
Gravlax With Mustard Sauce (see recipe)
Greek Lemon Roasted Potatoes (see recipe)

- H -
Ham And Parmesan Cake (see recipe)
Hawaiian Salmon Poke (see recipe)
Hot Dog Rolls (see recipe)
Hummus (see recipe)

- I, J & K -
Italian Ricotta Cookies (see recipe)
Italianesque Meatloaf (see recipe)
Kalbura Basti - Riddled Cookies (see recipe)
Kippers Rillettes (see recipe)
Koulourakia Cookies (see recipe)
Korvapuustit - Finnish Cinnamon Buns (see recipe)

- L-
Lasagne Of Emiglia-Romagna (see recipe)
Lavash Crackers (see recipe)
Lemon Buttermilk Tart (see recipe)
Lemon Curd (see recipe)
Lemon Honey Cookies (see recipe)
Lemon Meringue Pie (see recipe)
Lemon Mousse Verrines (see recipe)
Lemon Parmesan Dip (see recipe)
Lemon & Rose Cheesecake Bars (see recipe)
Lemon Ricotta Muffins (see recipe)
Lump Egg Pasta With Saffron Sauce (see recipe)
Luscious Lemon Bars (see recipe)

- M -
Ma'amouls Cookies With Walnuts (see recipe)
Macarons (see recipe)
Massa Sovada Bread (see recipe)
Melting Moments Cookies (see recipe)
Meringue Coffee Cake (see recipe)
Milk Chocolate & Caramel Tart (see recipe)
Moist Orange Syrup Cake (see recipe)
Moqueca Da Peixe (see recipe)
Mouhalabieh (see recipe)
My Swiss Mémé's Cake (see recipe)

- N & O -
Noddle Kugel (see recipe)
Norwegian Mountain Bread (see recipe)
Oatcakes (see recipe)
Oatmeal Bulgur Bread (see recipe)
Oatmeal Coconut Coookies (see recipe)
Orange Cornmeal Cake (see recipe)
Orecchiete (see recipe)
Ostrich Steak Tartar (see recipe)

- P & Q -
Pain Au Lait Bread (see recipe)
Panforte (see recipe)
Pane Casalingo (see recipe)
Panettone (see recipe)
Panna Cotta (see recipe)
Parmesan And Gorgonzola Cheesecake (see recipe)
Parmesan & Herbs Shortbread Cookies (see recipe)
Pasta With Anchovy Pesto (see recipe)
Perfect Party Cake (see recipe)
Pesto Muffins (see recipe)
Plain White Bread (see recipe)
Potato Kugel (see recipe)
Potatoes Baked With Parmesan (see recipe)
Praliné Chocolates (see recipe)
Profiteroles (see recipe)
Quarktorte (see recipe)

- R -
Rhubarb Cobbler (see recipe)
Rhubarb Meringue Slices (see recipe)
Rhubarb Salée (see recipe)
Rhubarb Upside-Down Pudding (see recipe)
Ricotta Brioche (see recipe)
Ricotta Fritta (see recipe)
Ricotta With Za'atar (see recipe)
Rose Honey Madeleines (see recipe)
Rosemary And Vinefruit Bloomer (see recipe)

- S -
Sachertorte (see recipe)
Salée A La Crème (see recipe)
Sauerkraut, Potato & Cheddar Pasties (see recipe)
Scones (see recipe)
Smoked Haddock & Gruyère Tartlets (see recipe)
Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese Bagels (see recipe)
Smoky Chili Crackers (see recipe)
Spicy Roasted Chickpeas (see recipe)
Spinach & Feta Strudel (see recipe)
Stir-Fried Matzo Balls With Bell Pepper (see recipe)
Strawberry Sorbet (see recipe)
Sweet And Savory Meatballs (see recipe)
Swiss Easter Rice Tart (see recipe)
Swiss Quark Cheese Tart (see recipe)
Swiss Salée A La Crème (see recipe)
Swiss Sausage Salad (see recipe)

- T -
Tagliatelle (see recipe)
Tahini Cake (see recipe)
Tasty Lamb Roast (see recipe)
Tender Potato Bread (see recipe)
Texas Sheet Cake (see recipe)
Tex Mex Cornmeal Bread (see recipe)
Tiny Curry Scones (see recipe)
Tiramisù (see recipe)
Tiramiù Mousse And Lemon Curd Tart (see recipe)
Toad In The Hole (see recipe)
Tuiles With Orange Praline Filling (see recipe)

- U, V, W, X, Y & Z -
Upside-Down Honey Cheesecakes (see recipe)
Vanilla & Lemon Cupcakes (see recipe)
Victoria Sandwich (see recipe)
Vietnamese Grapefruit & Chicken Salad (see recipe)
Vols-Au-Vent (see recipe)
Walnut And Ricotta Pesto (see recipe)
Warm Beetroot With Sour Cream (see recipe)
Wheat Flour Tortillas (see recipe)
Whole Wheat & Rye Sourdough Bread (see recipe)
Zesty Ricotta Tart (see recipe)

0 Les petits bla-blas

 There are so many wonderful little shops in Paris full of delightful nonsense.
 Les Petits Bla-Blas fills the bill parfaitement.
7 rue du Crussol 75011
 These shops are meant for bebe shopping...
 But Paris brings out the enfant in us all.
 I fell hard for toys at Les Petits Bla-Blas.
 Adorable dollies!
 Ladybug/coccinelle buttons.
 If you're packing for Paris by all means bring something with a bird on it.
 Polka dots are IN big time even at La Bon Marche!
 I couldn't resist vintage facsimili French games by Marc Vidal.
 Do I really need to learn my ABCs again?
 On the other hand learning French politesse seems to be top of the list this trip. Manners count in France!
 A close family member has suggested I was 'raised with wolves', ahem. There were lots of books on wolves/les loups at Salon du Livre so maybe that's not such a bad thing in France.
 Yesterday I picked up Calme et Attentif Comme Une Grenouille(calm and attentive like a frog). It's meditation exercises for small children. Click and watch the video. You'll be instantly calmed and sleep through your nights.
 I've abstained from eating ice cream cones for a week.
But gorgeous weather in Paris has caused me to fall off the wagon. I'm hoping with daily froggie meditations I'll regain some restraint...
Bon Chance et Bonne Week-end! 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

0 French Dogs Drink Champagne

 French dogs drink Champagne.
Who knew?
 'Shanghai' drinks Perrier on a hot day in the park.
 There are water fountains for French dogs at the marche.
 They have their own celebrity mugs decorated with Tintin's Milou/Snowy.
 French dogs on occasion ride in a pousette with an umbrella!
French dogs get 'prioritaire' seating on the Metro.
 Yet it's not unusual for French dogs to make betises/be naughty and eat food off the street (even after it's been on the ground more than 3 seconds).
 It's perfectly OK for French dogs to jump up on strangers.
 Bringing Up Bebe is my guide to understanding French behavior and I've come to the conclusion French children are far better behaved than French dogs.
In fact French dogs are spoiled rotten.
Even American dogs are better behaved.
 I bought this book because I liked the pictures. It's table manners for princesses-to-be. I can use this.
 For example, one does NOT say,
'GO TO THE TABLE!' or shout, 'DINNER!'
Instead say gently/doucement,
'We will now go to the table'
One should NEVER say,
'EAT!' either.
 I bought this plate illustrated by French artist Soledad Bravi because it was cute. But it's a 'message' plate telling a child,
'I eat with my mouth closed'
 French kid's plates don't say,
'Good Job' or 'All Gone!'
but instill good manners from the getgo.
I sat next to a 4-year old boy on the bus.
His maman/mom was nearby with a younger child in a pousette.
I overheard them whispering, including a 'pardon, Madame'.
(BTW listening to little kids is a great way to learn French)
When his mom said, 'Now we will get off the bus'
The little boy said to me in a loud voice,
I wanted to reply, 'Merci, Monsieur' :)
French cats are better behaved than French dogs BTW. Should someone write manners book for dogs?
'Bringing Up Toutou/doggie'

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