Wednesday, February 29, 2012

0 Paris Baguette

 When you come to New York to see the Met's Stein's Collect show you must go to Paris Baguette on 6W.32nd st. open everyday 8am-10pm in Koreatown.
 I only discovered Paris Baguette on Saturday! I wonder if Sweet Freak has been..?
 Tons of Fr handwriting on the walls, which Connie said is the key to authentic French bakeries.
 I got a 'Twist Pie' and it was OMG delish.
 I did not get a Berry & Choux tarte...
 Or la Cheesecake...
 Or a chocolate butter(?) cake - all too big. 
 A dozen macarons was just too many for a gouter/snack.
 I did get one canele ($1.50).
 Tres caramelized outside...
 And properly pudding-like inside (though a bit larger than her French sisters).
 Charmante hot chocolate cups..
 Malheuresement the PB Bear is no longer available. I asked, traitor that I am...
 But you can buy a PB delivery truck...
I went back to PB on Monday to make sure everything was as delish as my 1st visit. It was. While you're munching on your caneles you can watch France2 News 3X a day. Oui, at 8h, 13h and 20h online here. Excellent for practicing your French. Then run up and down the stairs 10X for the caneles,ahem.


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