Thursday, February 9, 2012

0 Adult Time

 Hanging in there still with Pamela Druckerman's Bringing Up Bebe, is the importance of 'adult time' for French parents.
Rituals of upbringing have a specific purpose - so parents can get back to being a loving couple again a toute a suite.
 How appropriate for Valentine's Day.
 Chocolate Hearts
Expat Deborah Ollivier puts it so well,
'Though they love their kids passionately like everyone else, the French generally don't subvert their identities to the lives of their children'.
 'Boundaries, in other words, are good, particularly in protecting the sanctity of parents' private life. (No, Marie-Louise, you may not sleep in mommy and daddy's bed. And yes, Jean-Pierre, you must sit at the table every night for family dinner and eat correctly'.) says Ollivier

 Chocolate Bisous
From Bringing Up Bebe,
"For me, the couple comes before the children," says Virginie, the stay-at-home mom who taught me to "pay attention" to what I eat".
 If you live in Paris you could take a cooking class to prep for your Valentines' dinner at L'Atelier des chefs.
 Or peruse one of many cookbooks for lovers...
 What about a stunning new hot pair of shoes to wow your honey?
 A new red lipstick peut-etre?
What are you doing special for Valentines Day PBers?
Do tell all.


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