Monday, February 27, 2012

0 French Handwriting

 When you see this guess where you are?
 In France of course. What if blackboards/ardoise were outlawed, would we stop going to France? Maybe...
 French handwriting on a bebe's bib/bavoir is perfect.
'Interdit de me gronder'/ it's forbidden to scold me.
Not just for bebesChanel combines handwriting and Deco typographie
 It's de rigueur for a French designer to use his signature as his brand logo.
 Christian Lacroix aussi...
 Hermes is not too high and mighty to use handwriting on their restoration signs.
 A handwritten script neon brasserie sign.
 There are many writing supply stores in Paris:
Melodie Graphic 10, rue Pont Louis-Philippe 75004
L'Ecritiore 61, rue Saint-Martin 75004
Calligrane 6, rue Pont Louis-Philippe 75004
Papier+ 9, rue PontLouis-Philippe
Handwriting on a French ribbon - parfait!
 Faux/fake French handwriting on a chocolate chicken porte-etiquette/label is still yummy looking.
 Real handwriting looks just fine on a big tarte fine au peche. Is there any noticible handwriting in New York? Not that I'm aware. In Paris it's a different histoire/story.We would miss it muchly.
Milster lives in Paris and her blog has handwritten titles that I covet madly. I don't think we can have handwriting type in the states malheureusement/unhappily. Tell me different!


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