Wednesday, October 12, 2011

0 Signs of Automne

Special Fall chocolate leaf creation at Lenotre. Paris is well into full blown Fall.
There are even kids books dedicated to Automne. Full of falling leaves
And the famous French champignons.
Fall timbres full of feuilles et champignon ensemble.
Of course the fragrant chestnuts in the street.
Cojean has special autumn dishes like crumble - oui it was delish.
Fauchon has their Fall game specialties. Which reminded me of these drawings.
In the Louvre Librairie.
I had a Fall lunch with M. of quiche saumon and dill.
At Cafe de Flore.
Yesterday I struck out on the citron tarte meringuee concours. I had the chance 2X but just browsed instead of tasted. This delight(8 euros) at the new swank Mandarine Oriental Hotel in the 1st arr. on rue St.-Honore.
No.#4 on Louise's list, Lenotre's tarte I admired first thing in the morning. When I returned it was finished, gone, rien de tout. The vendeuse said, come back tomorrow. But I will be catching an early Eurostar and you, silly Lenotre, don't open until 9 AM.
In Jardin Luxembourg joggers race neck and neck with harried moms as the leaves keep falling...
A Paris dog looking rather Fallish don't you think?
I'm off to catch that Eurostar to London.


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