Wednesday, October 19, 2011

0 Celebrity Sightings at L'Ami Louis!

Last night PBer Karen from South Africa invited me to dinner at bistro L'Ami Louis. We'd never met but she says she feels like she knows me. Karen makes divine Ooh La La Artisan Confectionary like calissons, nougat and toffees - I know they're divine because I ate FOUR nougats on the Metro going home last night.
Her two daughters, Saffron and Scarlett (why did my mother name me plain-Jane Carol) joined us. They're tres bonne eleve - they drew, played games quietly through the meal. Only at the end did Scarlett fall asleep on the table.
Everything at L'Ami Louis is huge portions.
While Saffron drew and munched Karen and I noticed Helen Mirren at a table across the way.
She is just plain gorgeous.
The giant salade frisee was gorgeous too.
As were the huge stack of frits
My caille/quail - when I finished they brought another!
Back to gorgeous Helen - Irresistable.
Sitting in the back of L'Ami Louis I thought I saw stunning actress Carole Bouquet...
Oui et non? What do you think?
Karen says non...
I was so blitzed by celebrity stalking I couldn't focus on our fruits rouge dessert
A Ha, another celebrity of sorts...
A red crocodile Birkin. Remember Le Divorce (Leslie Caron was in it) with the famed red croc that fell off of the Eiffel Tower?
Time for zzzzzzzs
Salon du Chocolat is tomorrow.
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