Friday, January 14, 2011


Terrine Cornflakes Picnik collage 3 bis
If like me you have abused a little to much of goodies during the Christmas holidays, then you might want to calm down and start eating more healthily again as I'm pretty sure that you are not willing to change your whole wardrobe or stop wearing those cute skinny jeans that you cherish so much because they make you look so slim...

I am not ashamed to confess that for the past 3-4 weeks I have been devouring (like crazy and without thinking about the effects such mindless scarfing might have on my waistline) big quantities of sugar-loaded, butter-rich, calorie-laden cookies, breads, chocolates, cakes and desserts of all kind. I carelessly and happily wolfed down quantities of sweet treats, and had much pleasure indulging in such a naughty fashion!

When the God of Gluttony possesses you, there is no way you can escape. You just have to accept it's taking over your soul and bend to it's will. If you resist, it will whisper in your ears words that'll awaken your craving until you give up the fight and sacrifice yourself on the altar of epicurism. It is impossible to struggle against the urge to "sin".

As a result, my size 36-38 (size 6-8 US) trousers are slightly too tight now and I feel not really comfortable in my body anymore. But hey, what the heck? Eventhough I care about my weight, find it important to exercise regularly and control my diet I also have food desires like everybody else and sometimes have to fulfill them. The delight and beatitude conferred by this nosh marathon was so big that the few centimeters I had gained around my waist, hips and thighs were not that dramatic.

Anyway, once you get back to your normal routine you will lose the extra fat you had acquired and get fit again (as a matter of fact I've already lost most of it), so why be afraid of a short break in your regime. If it happens once in a while and it is not a habit, then it can't be bad. You just have to be in control of things and know when to stop. It's only once it becomes an addiction that it develops into something dangerous and negative. Then you have to raise the alarm and consider taking your problems seriously.

All year long (most of the time, festive holidays aside), I try to eat well and to follow my usual dietary pattern which consists of meals that are mostly vegetarian (80% of the time), poor in carbohydrates (sugar, cereals, starchy vegetables & starches), rich in protein (eggs, dairy produces, legumes, nut, seeds & animal products) and vegetables. This way of feeding is what fits me best. Since I've started preparing less carb-loaded dinners I have more energy, feel a lot less hungry all the time and more comfortable in my body. Not forgetting that it is also very budget-friendly as you don't need to buy tons of overpriced meat.

Although I love meat I cannot cook it more than twice a week otherwise it'll affect my well-being. So, in a way I am nearly a full-time vegetarian. I don't mind being a carnivore, but I also love veggies since there are so many ways you can cook them. At my place, eating vegetarian meals isn't synonymous of boring and bland, all the contrary!

One of my favorite meat-free recipes that I cook at home is a groovy terrine made with cornflakes. This original vegiloaf is very versatile, tasty and nourishing. It has a pleasant herby, corny and nutty flavor, and a soft as well as moist texture. This "Vegetarian Cornflake And Hazelnut Terrine" can be pan-fried, eaten either cold or hot, served for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner and accompanied as well as presented in many different manners.

A multi-faceted dish which is easily prepared, good for the health an
d which will not ruin you. Perfect!

Terrine Cornflakes Picnik collage 5 bis
~ Vegetarian Cornflake And Hazelnut Terrine ~
Recipe by Rosa @Rosa's Yummy Yums 2011.

Serves 4.

500ml Milk
160g Cornflakes
100g Ground hazelnuts, lightly toasted
2 Big eggs
1 Big Onion, finely chopped
1 Tsp Nutritional yeast
1/2 CC Garlic powder
A pinch Ground paprika
A pinch Curry powder
A few drops of Tabasco (optional)
1 1/4 Tsp Italian herbs
A pinch dried thyme
Sea salt (fine), to taste
Pepper, to taste
A bit of butter to grease the pan

1. Preheat the oven to 220° C (420° F).
2. In a big bowl, crush (coarsely) the cornflakes.
3. In a medium bowl, beat together the eggs with the milk, garlic, spices, Tabasco, herbs, salt and pepper.
4. Pour this mixture over the cornflakes, add the yeast, hazelnuts and onion and mix well.

Terrine Cornflakes Picnik collage 6 bis
5. Butter generously your rectangular cake pan and cover the bottom with sulfurised/baking paper.
6. Scrape the mixture in the pan and smooth the top.
7. Bake for aboput 30-40 minutes (test with a skewer).
8. Remove the terrine from the oven and let it rest for about 5 minutes before releasing it delicately from the pan.
9. Serve.

you can replace the hazelnuts by any other ground nuts of your choice, but don't forget to roast them a little.
You can also use the herbs (fresh or dried) and spices of your choice.

Serving suggestions:
Serve hot or cold, with tomato sauce, steamed or stir-fried vegetables, a seasonal salad or pan-fried mushrooms.


Terrine Cornflakes Picnik collage 4 bis
~ Terrine Végétarienne Aux Cornflakes Et Aux Noisttes ~
Recette par Rosa @Rosa's Yummy Yums 2011.

Pour 4 personnes.

500ml De lait
160g de Cornflakes
100g de Noisettes moulues, toastées
2 Gros oeufs
1 Gros Oignon, finement haché finement
1 CC de Levure nutritionnelle
1/2 CC d'Ail en poudre
Une pincée de paprika en poudre
Une pincée de poudre de curry
Quelques gouttes de Tabasco (en option)
1 1/4 CC d'Herbes italiennes
1 Pincée de Thym séché
Sel de mer fin, selon goût
Poivre, selon goût
Un peu de beurre pour le moule

1. Préchauffer le four à 220° C.
2. Dans un grand bol, concasser grossièrement les cornflakes.
3. Dan un bol moyen, battre les oeufs avec le lait, l'ail, le Tabasco, les herbes, les épices, le sel et le poivre.
4. Ajouter le mélange liquide au cornflakes et ajouter les noisettes ainsi que l'oignon. Bien mélanger.

Terrine Cornflakes Picnik collage 2 bis
5. Beurrer généreusement un moule à cake rectangulaire et recouvrir le fond de papier sulfurisé.
6. Verser le mélange dans le moule et lisser le dessus.
7. Cuire pendant 30-40 minutes (vérifier la cuisson avec la pointe d'un couteaux).
8. Sortir la terrine du four et la laisser reposer 5 minutes sur une grille, puis la démouler délicatement.
9. Servir.

Vous pouvez remplacer les noisettes moulues pour d'autres noix moulues, mais n'oubliez pas des les torréfier avant.
Vous êtes libres d'ajouter les épices et herbes (fraîches ou séchées) de votre choix.

Idées de présentation:
Servir cette terrine chaude ou froide, avec de la sauce tomate, des légumes vapeurs ou sautés, une salade de saison ou des champignons légèrement poêlés.

Terrine Cornflakes Picnik collage 1 bis


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