Thursday, January 6, 2011

0 The Beautiful Fall

I'm still recovering from New Years. All that celebrating. 2011 has rolled into town so FAST!
I admit I have still not bought my new week-at-a-glance journal. I'm in denial, ahem
I'm trying to get a grip on the new year, but it feels rather tenuous like this high wire act.
These adorable miniature tableaux are from a tiny shop on a side street in the 6th arr.
I was passing by with M. after an Italian dinner and a date with George Clooney at the cinema.
You know how it is. I was lucky to get these shots to show you.
I am wondering if Balenciaga passed by too at one time.
Balenciaga and Spain Was he inspired to create his bolero jackets by the above mini tableau. You never know.
I've never painted these little figurines.
Though I certainly painted many mini petite dejeuners.
And lots of small wind-up birdies.
Next trip I'll stop in and see what I can paint here if I can find it again $#@!
While we're on the circus theme and the weather is still beastly out, there's nothing like curling up with a good book and a nice hot bowl of butternut squash soup. I recently discovered Water For Elephants. I loved every thrilling page. Who never dreamt of running off to join the circus raise your hand? It's set during the Great Depression so full of details one can relate to a bit today non?
Another 'circus' book is the tale of the great couture designers relationship, YSL and Karl Lagerfeld in Alice Drake's The Beautiful Fall. Full of thrilling details of the Paris 3-ring fashion circus in the wild 70's. What a naughty boy was YSL! He made his staff and everyone else jump through hoops and climb the high wire, so to speak. A must read if you love Paris and fashion couture.


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