Monday, January 31, 2011

0 Bed Side Story

I wish this was my bedroom...
I really wish I was in Bali with Julia...
Riding a bicycle...
Enroute to a date with Javier Bardem - miam, miam
But watching EAT PRAY LOVE in bed is not a bad alternative...
And I can paint onsite here in bed as well!
Jane in New Zealand of Sparrow Chatter kindly sent me her amazing picture of tarts of local cafe La Cloche...
It's on my desktop where I can gaze at it endlessly...
Next project is to paint these lovely tartes - wish me luck.
If I want a taste of Paris (my laptop is on the floor by my bed) I can visit with Inez de la Fressange
Her video jaunts around Paris are good for your accent and a delightful vicarious adventure. Do VISIT!
When your mattress is on the floor, you get a different perspective and long to re-arrange your walls etc. I did move things a bit yesterday :)

THANKS SO MUCH! for all your well wishes and curative suggestions.
I'm making a long to-do list once I'm able to tackle yoga and tai chi etc.
I heard from Rivera, one of the EMT guys at Station:

'Carol, I hope you are doing better than when I first found you! I can tell you first hand when I saw her drawings I was absolutely astounded at how spot on they were! I am sorry I have not gotten around to this sooner, but having you as a patient was absolutely the highlight of my day! One of the best patients I ever had. I actually printed out the sketch and I am trying to show everyone I know at every opportunity!You are extremely talented and I wish you the best. I forget how many readers you told me you have... but add one more in me!'

What an adventure this had turned out to be! I'm off to the Doc shortly to find out what's what with my left leg.



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