Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Snow Veyrier 1.3 bis

Snow Veyrier 2.2 bis
A few days after the big snowstorms we had, the weather got a little calmer. Although the temperatures were well under 0° C (32° F) the sun came out and we found ourselves immersed in it's wonderful rays. The sky was duck blue, the sun shining bright and the snow was scintillating -I must say that, lately, we have been very lucky to enjoy many splendid winter sunsets...

Then, a week ago, the weather changed radically. The thermometer rose (12° C/54° F), the foehn (a warm wind from the West) started blowing and unfortunately it started raining buckets. Within one day we switched from polar to Mediterranean temperatures. No need to tell you that all the snow melted away in no time.

Now, the landscapes have lost their coat of white. Anyw
ay, it seems that we will get more snow this week as it's going to get a lot colder. Anyway, while waiting for the next snowfall, I still have many pictures to share with you, so I hope they'll give you much pleasure...


Snow Veyrier  18.2 bis

Snow Veyrier 17.1 bis
On another note, I just wanted to let you know that:

. My article, pictures and "Chocolate Delight" have been featured in G2Kitchen's "Holiday Special". You'll learn some things on myself and will discover what Xmas represents for me.

. I have also taken part in Love Feast Table's "Cookie Exchange" by submitting my English "Coffee Kisses" recipe, a few photos and writing an article (regarding one special christmas holiday I spent in England).

. And least, but not last, you'll also find me talking about my Yule-tide and New Year feasts in an article on the French Larousse Cuisine site (in French only, but use Google Translate to read it in your own language).

I hope you'll enjoy my work!

Snow Veyrier 16.2 bis

Snow Veyrier 15.3 bis


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