Friday, December 17, 2010


Sometimes the best thing you can do in Paris is take the wrong bus and get off at the wrong stop...
I thought I'd give you something to chew on over the week-end...
While shopping madly and wrapping gifts even more madly...
A little look at Boulangerie Gosselin...
There are 3 branches - one is at 258 Boulevard St Germain, 75007
And another at 28, Rue Caumartin, 75009 and 125, rue St.-Honore 75001 (merci Sweet Freak!)
Watch their delicious video here.
Oh why didn't I go inside and taste a slice of tarte au pomme or fige?
This is actually a neighborhood patisserie/boulangerie...
One you might never have heard of it...But everything looks...
Quite superior, including this lovely ganache gateaux au chocolat...
BEAR is always smitten with old fashioned giant meringues - miam
We WILL have to go back another time won't we for a taste!
Bonne Week-End!


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