Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Snow Veyrier 5.1 bis

Snow Veyrier 8.1 bis

Frost Junkie

White fields
Mountain cold
The numbing fog

Arctic wind
Freezing dawn
A bitter gust

Frost junkie
Ground sleeper
The winter sovereign

Glacial sculptures
Nimbus form
Twelve in numbers

The north chronometer
Aberrant art
From the creator

~ Lyrics by Sarke, Norway

Snow Veyrier 6.1 bis

Snow Veyrier 9.1 bis

Snow Veyrier 7.1 bis
This year winter has arrived much earlier than usual - at least one month in advance. Ten days ago we got our first serious blizzard-like weather and minus temperatures (-8° C/17° F during the night and -3° C/26° F during the day). Brrr, it was quite chilly and Siberian looking...

On the last Saturday of November, it snowed the whole day long. That first snowfall was quite important and nature was covered in a dreamlike powdery coat of white. What a beautiful sight!

As I find winter storms so exciting there was no way I was going to stay home looking at it through my windows. I had to go out in the freezing cold, walk in that crunchy white powder, feel the crisp air bite my cheeks and inhale the clean smell of fresh snow.

So, armed with my camera, dressed like an Inuit and eager to face the hyperborean climate outside I set a foot out of the house. It was snowing quite strong, my hair was frozen and the wind was quite strong, but I courageously shot pictures of the magificent scenery that offered itself to me. It was really a lovely walk and day!

Snow Veyrier 4.1 bis

Snow Veyrier 10.1 bis


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