Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Since quite a while, I've been systematically coming across a "The Pastry Queen" recipe for "Blackberry Pie Bars" on many of the blogs I visit and, as I'm a immense (black)berry lover as well as a big bar fanatic, I could not resist the temptation of baking them myself...

"The Pastry Queen" is a Texas treat, best-selling cookbook that has cought my attention since the day it was released. Unfortunately, until now, I had never tested one of their recipes and always had doubts about wether or not I should buy this book. Well, I must say that after having made those fantastic bars, there is no need to convince me to add "The Pastry Queen" to my long list of cookbooks which should sit in my cookery bookshelf!

First of all, it must be said that those bar cookies have a name which brings confusion. I personally don't find that those "Blackberry Pie Bars" have anything in common with pies nor do they ressemble one for the following reasons:
1. The crust is shortbready and very different from flaky pastry
2. The filling is dense and custardy in texture, just like clafoutis. Fruit pies generally have a straight forward and less copious filling consisting of
berries/fruits, sugar, spices and a thickening agent.

Nonetheless, thos facts don't take anything away from those squares' unshakable appeal as they are totally sexy, terrifyingly luscious and incredibly flavorful. So the mistitling isn't all that important at the end. We are not going to dither any longer over the subject...

This summery goodness is irresistibly rich and pleasantly sweet, yet not sickly at all. The ambrosial flavors of blackberries (slightly biting and smoky), butter (round and nutty), lemon (refreshingly zesty) and sour cream (pleasurably tangy) blend well together, and the contrasting textures (smooth, creamy and crunchy) transform those bars into the most exquisite treat.

Those "Blackberry Pie Bars" are terrific and will bring joy amongst your munchers (children and grownups alike) who will chomp on them greedily as they taste like heaven and are addictive like hell!

~ Blackberry Pie Bars ~
Recipe adapted from "The Pastry Queen".

Makes about 24 bars.

Ingredients for the "Crust":
3 Cups (383g) All-purpose flour
1 1/2 Cups (315g) Castor sugar
1/4 Tsp Sea salt
1 1/2 Cups (3 sticks/360g) Chilled unsalted butter, cut into cubes
The zest of two lemons
Ingredients for the "Blackberry Filling":
4 Large eggs
2 Cups (420g) Castor sugar
1 Cup (240g) Sour cream
3/4 Cup (96g) All-purpose flour
1 Pinch Sea salt
16oz (480g) Frozen blackberries, defrosted and drained (see remarks)

Method for the "Crust":
1. Preheat the oven to 180° C (350° F).
2. Grease a 9 x 13-inch backing pan with b
utter or cooking spray and set aside.
3. Zest two lemons.

4. Measure out the sugar onto a clean work surface. Rub the lemon zest into the sugar with a bench scraper or the back of a spoon.
5. Combine lemon sugar, flour, salt and butter in an electric mixer fit with a paddle attachment. Beat the ingredients on medium speed until the mixture looks dry and crumbly.
6. Reserve 1 1/2 cups of the crust mixture to use as the topping. Press th
e remaining mixture into the bottom of the pan.
7. Bake the crust for 12 to 15 minutes until it is golden brown.
8. Let cool for 10 minutes while you ma
ke the filling.
Method for the "Blackberry Filling":
9. Whisk the eggs in a medium bowl. Add the sugar, sour cream, flour and salt.
10. Gently fold in the blackberries.

11. Spoon the mixture evenly over the crust (You may have to distribute the blackberries evenly around).
12. Sprinkle the reserved crust mixture evenly over the filling.
13. Bake for 45 to 55 minutes until the
top is lightly browned.
14. Cool on a wire rack for 1 hour before slicing.

You can also use 3 cups of fresh blackberries, or 1 (16oz/480g) package frozen blackberries. If you’re using frozen berries, be sure to defrost and drain the excess liquid. Place the frozen berries on a plate in the refrigerator overnight.
Instead of using blackberries, why not try making this recipe with other berries such as blackberries, strawberries or raspberries (or a mix of all four berries).
Rubbing the zest into the sugar will release oils from the zest and create a lemon scented sugar.
As this recipe gives a huge amount of bars and we are only two at home, I decided to divide the quantities and bake those bars in a 23x23cm (9 x 9-inch) sheet pan. It worked perfectly and gave at least big 12 portions.
Keep those bars in the fridge (2 to 3 days max.).

Serving suggestions:
Serve those bars with either vanilla or lemon ice cream.


~ Carrés Aux Mûres ~
Recette tirée et adaptée du livre "The Pastry Queen".

Pour environ 24 carrés.

Ingrédients pour la "Croûte":
3 Tasses (383g) de Farine blanche
1 1/2 Tasses (315g) de Sucre cristallisé

1/4 CC de Sel de mer
1 1/2 Tasses (360g) de Beurre non-salé, froid, coupé en cubes
Le zeste de 2 citrons

Ingrédients pour la "Garniture Aux Mûres":
4 Gros oeufs
2 Tasses (420g) de Sucre cristallisé
1 Tasse (240g) de Crème aigre/sure

3/4 de Tasse (96g) de Farine blanche
1 Pincée de Sel de mer
480g de Mûres congelées, dégelées et égouttées (voir remarques)

Méthode pour la "Croûte":
1. Préchauffer le four à 180° C.
2. Graisser/beurrer une plaque de 23 x 33cm et
la mettre de côté.
3. Zester les 2 citrons.

4. Dans un petit bol, bien frotter le zeste avec le sucre, jusqu'à ce qu'il devienne humide et parfumé.
5. Dans un mixer, mettre le sucre parfumé, la farine, le sel et le beurre, puis pulser afin d'obtenir un mélange sableux (tel un appareil à crumble).

6. Mettre de côté 1 1/2 tasse de ce mélange, puis mettre le reste du "crumble dans le moule et bien foncer (applatir) avec les doigts.
7. Cuire la croûte pendant 12 à 15 minutes, jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit dorée.
8. Laisser refroidir 10 minutes sur une grille. P
endant ce temps préparer la garniture.

Méthode pour la "garniture Aux Mûres":
9. Battre les oeufs dans un bol moyen. Ajouter le sucre, la crème fraîche, la farine et le sel. bien mélanger.
10. Incorporer les mûres le plus délicatement possible.
11. Verser ce mélange sur la croûte et bien distribuer les mûres.
12. Saupoudrer de manière homogène avec le reste du "crumble".
13. Cuire pendant 45
à 55 minutes, jusqu'à ce que le dessus soit légèrement doré.
14. Laisser refroidir sur une grille et attendre au moins 1 heure avant de décou
per en tranches.

Vous pouvez utiliser 3 tasses de mûres fraîches ou 480g de mûres congelées. Si vous utilisez des mûres congelées, faites-les dégeler (une nuit au frigo) et égoutter au préalable.
Au lieu d'utiliser des mûres, pourquoi ne pas utiliser des myrtilles, des fraises ou des framboises (un mélange des 4 serait aussi parfait).
En frottant les zestes avec le sucre, vous libérez les huiles essentielles qui parfumeront votre sucre.
Etant donné que cette recette donne des quantité gargantuesques, je vous conseille de la diviser en deux et d'utiliser un moule de 23 x 23cm.
Conserver ces carrés au frigo (2 à 3 jours max.).

Idées de présentattion:
Servez ces carrés avec de la glace à la vanille ou au citron.


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