Tuesday, October 7, 2008


When my good friend Corinne asked me to bake cupcakes for her teenage daughter's 14th Birthday Party, I didn't think twice and said "yes, sure" enthusiastically! I had never prepared anything for such an occasion nor did I ever bake/cook for crowds and thought that it might be a good way to put my culinary "talents" to the test...

Ever since I've known Samira (Corinne's daughter) she hasn't stopped raving about Rai's (at "Ugly Fruit") "Champagne Cupcakes" that she had tasted at our "Foodbloggers' Picnic" back in June 2007 (see my article). They had left such a mark on her that she can't forget them. The subject always comes back in most of our food conversations.

As Corinne is not a big fan of frostings or icings and she knows that I'm addicted to baking, cooking and anything that revolves around the culinary world, she naturally pictured me as the official baker for Samira's party. When it comes to making dainty and rich little cupcakes, the American way, topped with lots of buttercream, frosting, icing as well as girly decorations, I'm unfailingly ready to get started anytime!!!

So, on the day before the event, I made both the buttercream and frosting I needed for my "Vanilla & Lemon Cupcakes" (recipe below) and my "Dark Chocolate & Peanut Butter Cupcakes" (recipe soon). On the same day, I arrived at my frien'd place at 12h00. We ate and then I started getting (hyper)active in the kitchen. Everything went suprisingly smoothly, eventhough I am not used to bake/cook for more than 4 people. After three hours of buzzing frenetically like a bee in spring, my 50 cupcakes were ready and looked amazingly good. Wow, I didn't know that I could whip up such perfect cupcakes!

~ Birthday girl ~
At around 16h00, we were invaded by a crew of 20 frantic, energy-loaded, yet very polite adolescents who arrived in a blitz and literally assaulted the table where all the food was. In a matter of minutes (or should I say seconds?!), nearly all the cupcakes had disappeared and most of the other goodies (tasty sandwiches & a delicious cake that Corinne had made) had vanished. It was as if a pack piranhas or flying grasshoppers had eaten their way through the living room (a good sign)!

Many of her friends congratulated us on the food and said that they had enjoyed everything. Phew! A real relief for both of us.

A few days later, I was pleasantly surprised to find a great postcard in my letterbox. Samira had written some heartwarming words of thanks and expressed her gratefulness for the work I did. She had truely been impressed by my cupcakes and thanked me for taking the time to bake them. How sweet of her!

Those dainty "Vanilla & Lemon Cupcakes" are really fabulous whether it is texture- or taste-wise. The cake part is feathery, soft, moist, delicately vanilla flavored and rises beautifully, and the buttercream topping brings this gustatory experience to a higher level of delightfulness with it's smooth, fluffy, silky, wonderfully buttery as well as lemony aromas and it's pristine ivory color that'll blow your mind. Truely droolworthy!

~ Vanilla & Lemon Cupcakes ~
Cupcake recipe by Amy Sedaris "I Like You: Hospitality Under The Influence"
, buttercream recipe by Dorie Greenspan "Baking From My Home To Yours" and adapted by Rosa @ Rosa's Yumy Yums.

Makes about 24 cupcakes.

Ingredients for the "Cupcakes":

1 1/2 Sticks (180g) unsalted butter
1 1/2 Cups (315g) Castor sugar
2 Eggs (~63g)
2 Tsps Pure vanilla extract
2 1/2 Tsps Baking powder
1/2 Tsp Salt
2 1/2 Cups (319g) Plain white flour
1 1/4 Cups (300ml) Milk
Ingredients for the "Buttercream":
1 Cup (210g) Castor sugar
4 Large Egg whites (~63g eggs)
3 Sticks (12oz/360g) Unsalted butter, at room temperature
1/4 Cup (60ml) Fresh lemon juice (from 2 large lemons)
1 Tsp Pure vanilla extract
A few drops lemon essence

Method for the "Cupcakes":
1. Turn the oven on to 190° C (375° F).
2. In a medium bowl, mix together all dry ingredients. Set aside.
3. In a big bowl, cream the butter until smooth.
4. Add the sugar and cream again until the mixture is white, light and fluffy.

5. Add the 2 eggs, one at a time while beating/mixing well until blended.
6. Add the vanilla, then the dry ingredients and the milk, alternati
vely, while mixing well, until all ingredients are totally combined (homogenous batter).
7. Pour into individual baking cups, until they are about 2/3 full.
8. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown or until a toothpick inserted in the middle of one cupcake comes out clean.
Method for the "Lemon Buttercream":
9. Put the sugar and egg whites in a mixer bowl or another large heatproof bowl, fit the bowl over a plan of simmering water and whisk constantly, keeping the mixture over the heat, until it feels hot to the touch, about 3 minutes (the sugar should be dissolved, and the mixture will look like shiny marshmallow cream).
10. Remove the bowl from the heat.
11. Working with the whisk attachment or with a hand mixer, beat the meringue on medium speed until it is cool, about 5 minutes.
12. Switch to the paddle attachment if you have one, and add the butter a stick at a time, beating until smooth.
13. Once all the butter is in, beat the buttercream on medium-high speed until it is thick and very smooth, 6-10 minutes (during this time the buttercream may curdle or separate – just keep beating and it will come together again).
14. On medium speed, gradually beat in the lemon juice, waiting until each addition is absorbed before adding more, then the vanilla and the lemon essence (you should have a shiny smooth, velvety, pristine white buttercream).
15. Decorate your cupcakes with the buttercream.

I flavored my buttercream with vanilla and added a few drops lemon essence, but you are free to flavor your buttercream as you wish (essences, zests, spices, etc...) and to replace the lemon juice by any other liquid (same quantity - whisky, orange juice, coffee, etc..).
You can keep your buttercream in the fridge for up to a week. In that case, press a piece of plastic against the surface of the buttercream.

Once you get the buttercream out of the fridge, let it rest for about 30 minutes before beating (with a hand mixer) it again. If it curdles, place the bowl over warm water (not too hot) and keep beating until it gets to the right consistency (creamy, fluffy and spreadable).

Serving suggestions:
Eat without moderation!
Serve those cupcakes with a good cup of tea or coffee or with a glass of ice cold milk!


~ Cupcakes A La Vanille Et A La Crème Au Beurre ~
Recette pour les cupcakes par Amy Sedaris "I Like You: Hospitality Under The Influence", recette pour la crème au beurre par Dorie Greenspan "Baking From My Home To Yours" et adaptées par Rosa @ Rosa's Yumy Yums.

Pour environ 24 cupcakes.

Ingrédients pour les "Cupcakes":
180g de Beurre non-salé
1 1/2 Tasses (315g) de Sucre cristallisé
2 Oeufs (~63g)
2 CC de d'Extrait de vanille pure
2 1/2 CC de Poudre à lever/cake
1/2 CC de Sel
2 1/2 Tasses (319g) de Farine blanche/fleur
1 1/4 Tasses (300ml) de Lait
Ingrédients pour la "Crème Au Beurre":
1 Tasse (210g) de Sucre cristallisé
4 Gros blancs d'oeufs (oeufs de 63g)
12 Onces (360g) de Beurre non-salé, à température ambiante
1/4 Tasse (60ml) de Jus de citron frais (de 2 citrons)
1 CC d'Extrait de vanille pure ou de pâte de vanille pure
Quelques gouttes d'essence de citron

Method pour les "Cupcakes":
1. Préchauffer le four à 190° C (375° F).
2. Dans un bol moyen, mélanger tous les ingrédients secs. Mettre de côté.
3. Dans un grand bol, battre le beurre en pommade.
4. Ajouter le sucre et battre jusqu'à ce que le mélange devienne blanc et mousseux.
5. Ajouter les oeufs, un à la fois, tout en battant bien après chaque ajout afin d'obtenir un mélange homogène.

6. Ajouter la vanille, puis les ingrédients secs, tout en alternant avec le lait et en mélangeant bien afin d'obtenir une pâte homogène.
7. Mettre la pâte dans les caissettes et remplir seulement au 2/3.
8. Cuire pendant 20 minutes, jusqu'à ce que les cupcakes soient dorés et que la lame d'en couteau en resorte propre.

Méthode pour la "Crème Au Beurre":
9. Mettre le sucre et les blancs d'oeufs dans le bol du mixeur ou un autre bol à l'épreuve de la chaleur et mettre le bol au dessus d'un contenant d'eau frémissante.
10. Battre constamment, en gardant le mélange au dessus de la chaleur jusqu'à ce qu'au toucher, ce soit chaud, environ 3 minute (le sucre doit être dissout et le mélange doit ressembler à de la guimauve fondue).
11. Enlever le bol de la source de chaleur.
12. Avec le fouet du mélangeur ou au batteur électrique, battre la meringue sur vitesse moyenne pour la refroidir, environ 5 minutes.
13. Changer pour la palette du mélangeur et ajouter le beurre un peu à la fois en mélangeant pour rendre lisse.

14. Quand le beurre est incorporé, battre sur vitesse moyenne/forte jusqu'à ce que ce soit épais et très lisse, environ 6-10 minutes (durant ce temps le beurre peut se séparer, continuer à battre et il se replacera).
15. Sur vitesse moyenne, ajouter graduellement le jus de citron en battant bien après chaque addition, puis la vanille et l'essence de citron (vous devriez avoir à ce point un mélange brillant et lisse de crème au beurre).
16. A l'aide d'une poche à douille, décorer les cupcakes avec cette crème au beurre.

J'ai parfumé ma crème au beurre avec de la vanille et de l'essence de citron, mais vous êtes libres d'aromatiser votre crème à beurre selon vos goûts (essences, zestes, épices, etc...) et de remplacer le jus de citron par un autre liquide (même quantité - whisky, jus d'orange, café, etc..).
Vous pouvez garder votre crème au beure au frigo pendant 1 semaine. Dans ce cas, placez un film alimentaire sur la surface de la crème.
Sortez votre crème au beurre du frigo au moins 30 minutes avant toute utilisation, puis battez-la à nouveau. Si elle se sépare, alors placer votre bol dans de l'eau chaude (pas trop) et continuez à battre jusqu'à ce qu'elle ait la bonne consistence (crèmeuse, mousseuse et étalable).

Idées de présentation:
A manger sans modération!
Ces cupcakes sont délicieux lorsqu'ils sont servis avec un bon petit thé, un exquis café au lait, un café séré ou un verre de lait bien froid!


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