Monday, May 7, 2012

0 Les Maitres du Desordre

 By chance I popped into the musee Branly and they were playing my song...
 Les Maitres du Desordre is on till 29 July.
 If you're messy DON'T MISS IT!
It will validate you in ways you never imagined.
 I felt instantly at home.
Basquiat I LOVE U!
There are artists messier than I am.
Who knew?
 The exhibit of course is very orderly.
It's French.
 Amazing to see mess displayed this way.
 Sometimes messiness entraps you and doesn't feel so creative.
Have you ever wasted oodles of time looking for vital papers that were right in front of you?
 Though nothing like YSL's perfect order.
 I loved the explanations for disorder in the exhibit.
'Order does not exist without ambivalence. All order including the divine order, is fundamentally flawed'.
 Sometimes there can be happy disorder!
 I was quite orderly for my dinner party last week - a miracle really...
The French are very orderly (like French Girl). Is that why I'm so attracted to them?
I'm having two very disorderly days.
I catch AirFrance 'home' today, but it doesn't feel so much like home anymore.
Paris has become so comfortable. 
Been bawling for 2 days straight without knowing why :(
Off to take an orderly swim. Then come back and make order of my disorder before takeoff.
Wish me luck!


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