Thursday, June 9, 2011

0 Bonjour Pate Sucree!

Les Tartelettes aux Fraise by Carol Gillott Les Tarelettes aux Fraise, watercolor, 9" x 11"

Francois Payard I've had a rude awakening of late...
Secco ParisFor years (at least 5) I've been walking around Paris, admiring, shooting, leche-vitrine and eating altogether way too many pastries...
Francois Payard PatisserieOnly to discovery I know ZIP about pastry making! Ouch And to add insult to injury...
I've been leaving the crusts on way too many tartes...
Like this Fauchon tarte au citron. SHAME on moi!

How did I make this alarming discovery? By browsing Japanese pastry books. It became crystal clear I don't know beans about pate sucree and pate brissee. What's more I will NEVER know if I don't eat the $#@! crust! How can one claim to KNOW pastry intimately if one does not eat the total affair?
I'm ready to give up Japanese pastry books and head for French books or English. Your suggestions are most welcome.Better yet should I head over to the French Culinary Institute for a crash course in the anatomy of a tartelette?

BEAR, comme habitude, is way ahead of the game. He's studying more and eating less. Watch this video from L'atelier des Chefs to become better informed about what we put into our mouths. Pastry is serious business! It's not just about flannering around gazing into glorious patisseries vitrines! Mais non!



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