Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Russin 1.1 bis

Russin 3.1 bis

Russin 2.2 bis
During our holidays we had planned to travel to Lyon, spend the day there, buy lots of traditional food specialities, eat in a Bouchon and spend the day there. Unfortunately, the Gods were against us (we never have luck) as the French strike had to fall exactly at that moment. Most of the trains were cancelled and so was our TGV. What a bummer!

Anyway, we refused to let ourselves get depressed and decided to get the best out of our day. Instead of trav
elling to another country, we chose to stay in Geneva and visit the scenic vineyard region at the foot of the French Jura mountains. So, we took the bus to the train station and there we got into a little regional train that drove us to the small village of Russin.

Russin 5.1 bis

Russin 9.1 bis

Russin 4.3 bis
Russin is situated in the largest wine-growing area in the Canton Geneva and is the country's third-largest wine producing canton. Everywhere you go, you see vineyards (clayish and sandish soils) and wineries. It is impossible to walk there without seeing that wine is at the center of everything. It is the perfect place to discover new wines, especially if you are in the vicinity during the "Fête Des Vendanges" (grape harvest festival in September) or the "Portes Ouvertes" (open wine cellars day in May).

When we were there in October the weather was quite wintery. Although the vineyar
ds were magnificent with their fiery fall foliage and the sun was shining wonderfully, the air was extremely crisp and a strong northern wind (bise) was blowing. The landscapes were mindblowing, the colors so soul-uplifting and the Mont-Blanc stood proudly in the horizon. Amazing!

Russin 7.2 bis

Russin 8.1 bis

Russin 6.3 bis


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