Sunday, November 21, 2010


HM Lanvin I thought I was 'READY' for the HM Lanvin sale on Saturday....
HM Lanvin I was NOT!
I arrived rather leisurely at 8:15 AM.
This sale was nothing like the Sonia sale.
HM Lanvin I had not read the fine print nor seen the flyers nor carefully checked the HM website. Here's the deal: the 1st 320 people to show up get timed different colored bracelets (see above) with a specific time slot when they can shop. Twenty people at a time get to shop for 15 minutes is the deal.
HM Lanvin People started lining up at midnight the night before!
We were lucky to even get a colored bracelet at all!
Eeek who knew?
HM Lanvin And to think I was worried about not getting my morning walkies in. I raced around to 4 different H&Ms to check out the situation. Thank you PBers for making me get my daily exercize in! If I didn't have to report in I probably would have stayed in bed and missed all the excitement.
Quelle zoo!
HM Lanvin Actually it was well organized and thought out.
Only TWO garments of each style were allowed to be purchased.
HM Lanvin How come the staff always get to wear the best T-shirts?
I offered to buy the shirt off his back but he said,
"Come back after 3 PM."
HM Lanvin Here's a lucky ducky with all his goodies (Oh jealousie!) who must have arrived at the crack of dawn...
HM Lanvin I went into Prete a manger for a coffee to kill time until my time slot of 12:20(!) I chatted with Brit sisters Jean and Dorothy, visiting New York for 4 days, so I drew them a little map of NYC-not-to-be-missed highpoints on a napkin :)
HM Lanvin Finally my chance to grab some Lanvin came!
HM Lanvin The adorable glasses I'd dreamed of owning were gone the first 2 minutes after opening I heard tell. Wouldn't it be spectacular if all of New York was walking around wearing Alber Elbaz nerdie glasses? What were you thinking Lanvin putting out so few pairs...sob...sob
HM Lanvin I passed on this bracelet but did find a Lanvin lipstick, not even mentioned...
Ah the beloved glasses/lunettes again....sniff
HM Lanvin I walked away with quite adorable T-shirts ($39.95) with a bow/noeud attached.
HM Lanvin A shopper asks last minute advice from the sales girl...
"Should I or shouldn't I?"
HM Lanvin The shopping bags alone were worth the trouble. And they did have tres charmant cotton bags with Elbaz drawings scrawled on them for a mere $3.95 donated to Unesco - I got a few as gifts etc.
HM Lanvin So not a bad haul all in all, though I am still pinning for those AE glasses. Will trade a painting or just about anything for THOSE lunettes!!!


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