Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Fall 3.1 bis
For me there is no worse weekend than a grey weekend. I hate to see our weekend plans shattered by bad weather as it is the only time of the week during which we can do long walks and not care about the time passing while we are outside...

Fall 1.2 bis

Fall 6.3 bis
Thanksfully, the last Saturdays have been nice and we could enjoy autumn's beauty. The glorious golden light was caressing each flower, tree, field, hill and mountain with it's magical touch, the crows and magpies were uttering their dissatisfaction in a rather loud way, the trees were showing off their most fiery robes of gold and red and the lush parfume of rotting leaves and growing mushrooms was intoxicating. Paradize on earth.

FAll 5.2 bis

Fall 2.1 bis
I love fall and it's dark romantic atmosphere. Although nature is dying, it carries some kind of hope and makes you feel even more alive than ever. Nothing can quite compare to that season!

Fall 4.3 bis


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