Thursday, August 19, 2010

0 Harvey Nichols London

I've been watching a lot of gritty British movies on Netflix of late. Have you ever seen Mike Hodges' Croupier or the gangster movie to top all gangster movies, Get Carter?
Not that either film has much to do with swanky Knightsbridge or Harvey Nichols, but they do get you in a British frame of mind. I saved Harvey Nichols for last in London - it's one of the best department stores ever. They don't get much swankier...
It's a bit like an art museum - you never know what to expect visually floor to floor. Even the escalators have surprises.
The fashion floors...
Are par excellence-this Alexander McQueen dress says it all.
The food halls...
Definitely glittering...
Cupcakes do rule in London.
Cupcakes in every imaginable kind of gift box...
And such gorgeous tea trays on offer!
Loaded with Whoopie Pies!
Truly spectacular windows at Harvey Nichols.
Knock-your-socks-off window displays.
Rather unusual cups and saucers as only the British do them.
By the way, THANK YOU for all the cups and saucers you've sent me to paint, some even from Budapest! Thank you Chas for your Cafe Deux Magots cups.
A big Thanks to Julie of the Provence Post for the shoutout about the cup/croissant watercolors. Do visit Julie, who spends half the year in Provence...quelle dommage


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