Friday, July 16, 2010


Eggplant antipasto Picnik collage 1 bis
Being under an intense heatwave at the moment I try to put on the oven only when it is really compulsory (to bake breads for the weekend or fruit tarts about once a week). Our meals consist generally of lots of raw vegetables (salads, gazpachos, dips, etc...), stir fried dishes, easy and quick pasta dishes, lots of legumes (white beans, chickpeas, lentils, etc...) and cereals (müeslis, farro, bulghur, etc..). Considering the fact that heat cuts my appetite all I want to eat are light dishes and for that reason, fresh and healthy food is what I crave when the temperatures are extremely high (33°-36° C/91°-97° F)...

Summer vegetables are wonderful and so versatile. They can be prepared
in so many different manners (raw, steamed, stir fried, grilled & baked) and taste really good. There is a great amount of dishes that one can prepare during the sunny season. If, like me, you love the Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and Asian cusines, then it is the time of the year when you can fulfill all your exotic cooking dreams as well as fantasies.

If I emphasize on buying seasonal fruits and vegetables it is because I want my food to be as free of chemicals as possible, rich in flavor and don't want to participate in polluting the earth more that it is already . It is for that reason that I am never bored with what I eat as I look forward to the change of seasons, thus
to variation in my diet. Every season brings it's share of amazing products. I would not want to eat the same all year long. I enjoy the longing for renewal and novelty.

As I had some beautiful Geneva eggplants in my fridge and I wanted a cold accompaniment for my halloumi cheese, I thought that it would be a great idea to serve some kind of antipasto with it.

During my childhood our table was regularly graced with many different marinaded roasted vegetable antipasti - the word antipasto means "before the meal" and is the traditional first course of a formal Italian meal - (Roasted Pumpkin & Bell Pepper Salad) and they were always very much enjoyed by my whole family. This speciality is so versatile and can be prepared in various ways. It is perfect when served as accompaniment to bread, cheese, dried meat and salad. I don't know anybody who can resist such a mouthwatering course, the ultimate symbol of summer?

The recipe I am presenting today is a big home classic which I have adapted according to my culinary influences. To the original recipe I have added sumac, red tabasco, onion powder, white balsamic vinegar and smoked paprika. This results in an antipasto which is full of flavor, well-balanced and has complex aromas. Very addictive!

Eggplant Antipasto Picnik collage 4 bis
~ Fried Eggplant Antipasto ~
Recipe by Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums 2010.

For 4 people.

Ingredients for the "Fried Eggplant Slices":
2 Medium Eggplants
Olive oil, for brushing the eggplant slices
Ingredients for the "Marinade":
The juice of 1 organic lemon
1/2 Cup Olive oil
1 1/2 Tsp White balsamic vinegar
2 Cloves garlic, crushed

1 Pinch Smoked paprika
1/3 Tsp Sumac
1 Tsp Red Tabasco
1 Tbs Finely chopped Fresh basil leaves
Sea salt, to taste
Freshly ground pepper, to taste

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Method for the "Fried Eggplant Slices":
1. Slice the eggplants into rounds.
2. Sprinkle them with a little salt and leave them to rest for at least 30 minutes.
3. Rinse with fresh water and pat dry with kitchen paper.
4. Brush each piece (on both sides) with a little olive oil and heat a frying pan over medium high heat.
5. Fry the slice until golden brown on each side.
6. Transfer to a deep dish and let cool.
Method for the "Marinade":
7. Mix all ingredients together.
8. Pour the marinade over the eggplants and make sure that all sides are covered with it.
9. Put in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours and serve.

The eggplant slices should not be mushy/mashed, therefore it is important that you don't overcook them.
That antipasto can be kept (in a container) for about a week in the fridge.

Serving suggestions:
Serve with bread, dried meat and cheese or on top of a green salad.


Eggplant antipasto Picnik collage 3 bis
~ Antipasto Aux Aubergines Grillées ~
Recette par Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums 2010.

Pour 4 personnes.

Ingrédients pour les "Tranches d'Aubergines Grillées":

2 Aubergines moyennes
Huile d'olive, pour peindre les tranches d'aubergines
Ingrédients pour la "Marinade":
Le jus d'un citron bio
1/2 Cup Olive oil
1 1/2 CC de Vinaigre balsamique blanc
2 Gousses d'ail, écrasées
1 Pincée de Paprika fumé
1/3 CC de Sumac
1/2 CC de Poudre d'oignon
1 CC de Tabasco rouge
1 CS de feuilles de basilic, finement hachées
Sel de mer, selon goût
Poivre noir moulu, selon goût

Méthode pour les "Tranches d'Aubergines Grillées":
1. Couper les aubergines en tranches.
2. Les saupoudrer avec un peu de sel et les laisser dégorger pendant 30 minutes.
3. Les rinser à l'eau fraîche et les tamponner avec du papier de cuisine.
4. Avec un pinceau les enduire d'huile d'olive (sur les deux côtés) et faire chauffer une poêle à feu moyennement haut.
5. Frire les tranches d'aubergine jusqu'à ce que chaque côté soit joliment doré.
6. Mettre les tranches d'aubergines dans une assiette à soupe et les laisser refroidir.

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Méthode pour la "Marinade":
7. Mélanger tous les ingrédients pour la marinade.
8. Verser la marinade sur les tranches d'aubergines afin qu'elles soient recouvertes de marinade de tous les côtés.
9. Les mettre au frigo pendant en tout cas 2 heures, puis servir.

les tranches d'aubergines ne doivent pas se défaire et être trop molles. C'est pour cette raison
que les aubergines ne doivent pas être trop cuites.
Cet antipasto doit être conservé au frigo (dans une boîte hermétique) jusqu'à une semaine.

Idées de présentation:
Servir avec du pain, des charcuteries et du fromage ou décorer une salade verte avec.

Eggplant antipasto Picnik collage 5 bis


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