Friday, July 23, 2010

0 Cupcake Flow

Who knew?
I just made cupcakes!
This morning!!
Lemon-scented Blueberry cuppies with lemony icing.
I now bow down in sheer idolatry to all cupcake makers including Parisien bakers.

Superb! I don't think I've baked since Home Ec class... Oh why didn't I get this cookbook in Paris... I used Jiffy :( But I got 'creative' :)
I added loads of lemon zest and lemon juice and tiny Maine blueberries up the whazoo AND some Greek Fage yogurt to cut the sweetness of the mix.
We're having our workshop luncheon today and I wanted to make a little surprise - mini cupcakes. No one else in my house was interested in pitching in.
"Don't forget to cleanup!", they reminded me.
They didn't refuse to taste-test the results.
Especially with the scent of lemony-blueberry wafting through the house...
c'est toujour comme ca
Back to painting - we went to nearby Port Clyde yesterday. The scene to be painted doesn't look like much?
David starts with a pile of clear water flowing on his 300 pound watercolor paper....
First color to flow down is yellowy...
Then a pile of cobalt + verrditerre + lavender blues are mixed on the palette...
 Then flowed onto the still-wet paper. Much tilting to and frow of the board spreads the wet paint around to get lovely atmospheric glowy skies. That's all there is to it!
Don't forget to leave some white dry paper for the clouds PB readers - I hope you're following along at home...
See, those accidental cloud shapes come in handy...
Voila! Fini!
Time for lunch!
At Doug's Shack on route 131...
I almost forget to shoot my food - my half-eaten, VERY delicious, not too mayonaisey, crab roll.
Tessa (another canine workshop member - we are loaded with adorable hounds :) she says,


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