Saturday, July 31, 2010


Ice tea Picnik-Collage 3 bis bis
When I was a teenager in the 90's "Ice Tea" was really very trendy. Switzerland had discovered this beverage at the end of the 80's, but it was only a few years later that it got extremely popular...

I remember that "Ice Tea"
(here, herbal iced teas - peppermint or alpine herbs - are also labeled as "Ice Tea" - not only the black tea or green tea versions) was the only thing that kids drank (together with Coke, of course - I never loved that drink though) and I was no exception to the rule. At home, we stocked gallons of that beverage (bought in Migros only - my favorite brand). If all cartons disappeared and no "Ice Tea" was left, then you could have been sure that I would make real tantrum. My worst nightmare (LOL). I was so addicted to it that I could not drink anything else. Of course, ingesting so much sugar (so many calories) on a daily basis cannot be good for your body and I believe it is one of the reasons (this and eating a little too well) why I got a little "stocky" (baby fat) when I was 16-18 years old (thankfully it is not the case now anymore, phew).

At this time, certain countries like France or England didn't know what commercial "Ice Tea" was. Once, in Annecy, at a tea room I ordered an "Ice Tea" naively thinking that they were going to get it out of either a carton or a bottle, but to my big surprise the waiter looked at me with big suprised eyes as if I had asked for the most exotic of drinks! He asked me what I meant and I explained what it was. So after a while he came back with a freshly brewed glass of "Ice Tea" that the bartender had made specially for me. It was the most delightful "Ice Tea"I ever had. They had even added a ball of homemade lemon sorbet to it. Fantastic! This little adventure still makes me laugh...

My love for "Ice Tea" has not died, but my I am no longer a fan of the bought kind and I drink lots of water now. My tastes have changed since I have grown older. Industrial "Ice Tea" does not please me anymore. I find it far too sweet, bland, unhealthy and chemical. As my grownup tastebuds demand quality foods, I resolved myself to making my own "Ice Tea". In that way, all my needs and craving can be fulfilled.

After having tested different brands of black teas, I have come to the conclusion that the best one to use when preparing "Ice Tea" is Lipton. Although it is far from being my favorite black tea for making a good cuppa (Twinnings or Palais des Thés black teas are far better as they have more character and are more complex - a totally different class of teas), Lipton "Yellow Label" is perfect when used for making "Ice Tea" as it's not too strong and has light aromas.

I always use a lot of lemon juice and rind to add some character to the brew which would be too boring without that gorgeous citrusy touch. Then I sweeten it with a little light brown sugar and light runny honey in order to give more deepness to my "Ice Tea". Finally, I always integrate a little lemon essence to that drink as it brings an extra lemony kick and freshness to it.

The recipe I am posting today is mine. I tested many different variations and experimented a lot before I found that perfect combination. My "Ice Tea" is neither too sweet, to strong nor insipid. The acidity of the lemons counterbalances wonderfully the sugariness of the sugar and honey, and the exhalirating fragrance of the essence just lifts up the whole flavor in a delightful way. So refreshing and delicious!

Ice Tea Picnik-Collage 1 bis
Recipe by Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums 2010.

Makes about 2.8 litres ice tea.


3 Bags Black tea (I used Lipton "Yellow Label")
2.6 Litres Water
220-240ml Lemon juice (organic/about 2 lemons)
The zest of 1 Organic lemon
5 Tbs Light brown sugar
4 Tbs Runny Honey
1/3 Tsp Natural lemon essence

1. Heat water in a big pan and bring to a light boil.
2. Add the tea bags and let infuse for about 8-10 minutes, then dispose of the bags.
3. Add the rind of one lemon, the sugar, honey and essence. Stir well until the honey and sugar are dissolved.
4. Let cool completely.
5. Sieve the preparation.
6. Put the jugs in the fridge for at least 2-3 hours or until cold.
7. Serve.

Ice Tea Picnik-Collage 5 bis
Don't let the tea infuse for too long or the ice tea will have a bitter taste.
If you find that the ice tea is not sweet enough, then feel free to add a little more sugar or if it is too sweet then add a little water.

Serving suggestions:
Serve at any time of the day or night with ice cubes and slices of lemon or add a ball lemon sorbet to the ice tea.


Ice Tea Picnik-Collage 2 bis
Recette par Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums 2010.

Pour environ 2.8 litres de thé froid.


3 Sachets de thé noir (j'ai utilisé du Lipton "Yellow Label")
2.6 Litres d'Eau
220-240ml de Jus de citron bios (~2 citrons)
Le zeste d'un citron bio

5 CS de Sucre brun clair
4 CS de Miel liquide
1/3 CC d'Extrait naturel de citron

Ice Tea Picnik-Collage 4 bis
1. Porter l'eau à ébullition (petit bouillons).
2. Ajouter les sachets de thé et laisser infuser 8 à 10 minutes, puis retirer les sachets.
3. Ajouter le zeste, le jus de citron, le sucre, le miel et l'extrait de citron. Bien mélanger afin que le sucre et le miel soient dissouts.
4. Laisser refroidir complètement.
5. Passer au tamis.
6. Transférer dans un pot et mettre au frigo au moins 2 à 3 heures ou jusqu'à ce que le thé froid soit froid.
7. Servir.

Ne laissez pas le thé infuser trop longtemps autrement votre thé froid aura un goût amer.
Si vous trouvez que le thé n'est pas assez sucré alors vous pouvez ajouter soit du sucre ou du miel et si, au contraire, vous le trouvez trop sucré, alors ajoutez un peu d'eau.

Idées de présentation:
Servir ce thé froid à n'importe quelle heure de la journée ou de la nuit avec des glaçons et une tranche de citron ou avec une boule de sorbet au citron.

Ice Tea Picnik-Collage 6 bis

Friday, July 30, 2010

0 Birds of Paris

Birds of Paris, birds of London, birds of New York and possibly India(?) are raising a ruckus right now in my studio, though I can't think why? The AC is on high and no one is going hungry... Birds in London are upside down in the Underground at South Kensington station. Don't ask me why. I had nothing to do with it. Olha took me along to the Royal Academy Summer show and we started bird watching - there were many onsite. That started it.
Everafter I saw birds everywhere and wanting to bring them home, like this appropriately named plaster of Paris number on sale at Comptoir de Famille.
No way was I bringing home these French homing pidgeons or love birds or doves or whatever the hell they were...On the other hand this silver charmer at the same restaurant was begging to be set free. Sadly he/she would have been missed if I'd rescued him/her for future portraits...
A Frenchie humming bird spotted in Paris minus binoculars - I didn't see many real birds at all in Paris come to think of it. have you?
I did buy the matching cup and saucer to this lovebird teapot, but I left it behind at French Girls'.

This metal bird was just the right size and shape, but he/she was firmly attached to a metal tray. No amount of twisting was going to change that...

I loved everything in the toy exhibit at the Musee Arts Decoratif. I cannot reccommend this exhibit enough - you'll have a ball. And if you should see a burley museum assistant carrying a very large blown-up bear, please tell him I regret not taking his picture in the stairwell. ALWAYS have your camera ready! Lesson learned.
Voila! Thumbnails for the day of M. Rusty formerly of Petersham Nurseries but of French origins.
M. Rusty takes a bird bath, watercolor, 9" x 11"
Tea in the afternoon in London, watercolor, 9" x 11"
Well it appears the newest bird on the block, Mistress Henny (an American breed) has taken charge and is now top bird of the flock. The others are acquiescent and have settled down after just a few peeps of annoyance...

Thursday, July 29, 2010


August will be "I Am Restraint" month regarding ice cream. Have you seen Tilda Swinton in I Am Love? Tilda is the absolute epidomy of restraint. Except when she dives into a plate of luscious shrimp and throws caution to the wind. (spoiler) Then all Hell breaks loose.
I could say the same thing happened in Maine when I dived into fried clams. And I'm someone who proudly proclaims I do not eat 'fried foods'. Oddly enough in the same movie, Tilda's gorgeous son, Flavio Parenti, shows restraint when his sister (in London) offers him a lemon macaron. He refuses. Restraint gets him nowhere in this case, but I don't want to give it all away. I have no problem showing restraint with macarons in Paris.After all they're everywhere, even if some flavors are seasonal. I have an impulsive nature. I like to dive in to a painting headfirst and anything. I look for the waterwings later. This is not a good idea (re:lessons learned in Maine), so I'm showing you thumbnails first.

Tea Time, watercolor, 9" x 11"
The painting tends to come out oh so much better when you do a few test runs, like anything else...
Showing restraint in Paris with macarons is fine, unless you fall in love with the box. Better grab it. It won't be there next trip, I can assure you. As one whose middle name is Instant Gratification, this is a disastre.
During my time in Maine, I broke down and read, or rather listened to the audio of The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo. I admit I liked it. I especially liked main character, Lizbeth Salander's insistance on thinking about future consequences before making any decision. Impulsive, she was not.
Which brings me back to my eternal battle with ice cream.
That's what this is all about after all.
I henceforth declare that I will show great restraint when faced with a dixie cup of Edy's Slow Churned Coffee ice cream in August.
They say if you make your resolutions outloud to others, you'll have better luck with them.ADIEU EDY'S!


This week, I am continuing to show you the beautiful countryside that lies all around our village. There is so much to see and discover in that area of Geneva...

This part of the canton is dedicated to agriculture. Around Veyrier and Troinex you'll find vineyards, fields (wheat, corn, quinoa, etc), big greenhouses (which are used for growing, fruits, vegetables, herbs and plants). Most of the regional products which you can buy in local supermarkets come from there.

Enjoy the tour!

Telephone Line 1.3 bis

Hut 1.2 bis

Flowers greenhouse 1.1 bis

Street name 1.2 bis

Veyrier Countryside 2.1 bis

Countryside Veyrier 1.1 bis

Flowers countryside 2.1 bis

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

0 Fortnum & Mason

Back to London today!
And Fortum & Mason located at 181 Picadilly - quite a unique department store focused mainly on gourmet foods.
I was enroute to the #14 bus back to Chelsea one evening stopped dead in my tracks by these amazing windows at F & M.
I love the giant, glitzy Champagne glasses bigger than the actual Champagne bottles... Lots of mini bottles of champers for one celebratory person...
A glorious fountain of candies...
It doesn't have to be Xmas to bring out the candy canes. Who knew?
Another fountain full of tea tins and teapots - this was spinning...
With a teapot topper...
Stacks of cookies supports this teapot's lid!
A plethora of perfumes...
The ever British 'brolly' with the ever British teapot dangling down + a tassel. Who thunk this one up..?
Deco girls, girls, girls...
Simply too divine...
Stacks and stacks of exquisite fine china teacups...
Tea Time at Fornum Mason, watercolor, 9" x 11"
I want to paint them all.
Cupid shows up on the scene - very 'Vickie'...
And stacks of JAM jars bien sur. Ode to jam.
These charmant, mysterious boxes were so enticing I went back to buy some the next day. They were all in the window display. Only a few remained on the floor.
What's up with that F and M?
"Manners for Women" - what makes them think we need that? Still, forgivable since the window is adorable.
Fortnum Masons windows are worth the trip to London alone. Do go by all means!


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