Wednesday, December 21, 2011

0 Make-shift Gingerbread

Yesterday when Sue mentioned she'd made Trader Joe's gingerbread mix(in a box in fact), wheels started turning. Off to TJ's to search and reconnoiter. This morning I took one look and decided I would try making gingerbread cookies out of these puppies. Why not?
It was easy to knead the lumps into a ball and roll out..

Pigs and rabbits here I come!

The dough comes with a packet of crytallized sugar for decor. I added in some cinnamon for extra umph...

The 1st batch came out rather pathetic but tasted fine :)

The 2nd batch was pas mal at all!

Instead of 12 fat chewy cookies I got 3 dozen plus crunchy, hard, quite tasty cookies...

For all of $2.99!

BIG MERCI Trader Joe's!

Granted my little ginger bunnies are a long way from Birdbaths gentlemen...

And I'll never sniff again at Eleni's gorgeous yellow taxis...

Miracle of miracles, baking these cookies did not turn me into a glutton!? Three cookies and I was satisfied. Did the baking aromas do the trick? Do I now dare to make homemake marshmallows?

You tell me? What have you been baking lately?


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