Wednesday, July 6, 2011

0 One Nite Stands

Mignardises Freehand, watercolor, 9" x 11" An artist and her paintbrushes are like past lovers.
Some come and go so fast.
You can't remember what you ever saw in them.
Why is it in every new town, you go looking for a new one for amusement.
And why is it, old Frenchies (Isabey Petit Gris #6234) you were once so crazy about, are now stashed away in mothballs?
Your current French loves (Isabey Martre #6225) you discovered by chance in Paris and no where else, have suddenly become awfully pricy to keep around - they used to be so affordable...sigh Just like naughty gigolos.
An old favorite standby (these German DaVinci 'Junior synthetic') have stuck with me through thick and thin and are so affordable.
I still love YOU Babe!
I recently ran into an old boyfriend (a live one) and he flipped for these watercolors drawn with a paintbrush.
Naturalement I dragged out some old favorites and started messing with them.
Paintbrushes waiting on the back burner like forever are hoping to get a second chance with moi. Qui sait?
Actually the newest, hottest love of my life is this Winsor & Newton LARGE size watercolor pan - I am so in love with you BABE - I bought a bunch over the 4th holiday at Dick Blick. I can not wait till you arrive you darlings!
So are YOU madly in love with something and do you think if will last or just be a One Nite Stand?
Do tell all PBers!


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