Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Maple Tartlets Maple 1 3 bis
- A Bottle full Of Promises -

Those of you who follow me know that I love to post pictures of the nature and landscapes surrounding me on Wednesdays (Wordless Wednesday posts). Well, this time, I've decided to change things a little.

Last week, Susan at "The Well-Seasoned Cook" launched a new event called "Black & White Wednesday" which focuses on monochromic food-related imagery and since that stroke me as a good and challenging idea, I thought that I could take part in it today.

Creating an interesting black and white photo of food is not that easy as what attracts us in culinary photography is mostly color. Of course, composition is important, but we are undeniably always drawn to that genious combination of vibrant hues, tints and shades as they confer a funky vibe we so much love.

On the other hand, grayscale images are only composed of a variation of shades of gray, that range from black at the weekest intensity to white at the strongest. It is then very tricky to trigger the right mood, thus you really have to choose your subject thouroughly. Nonetheless, a perfect black and white shot can emanate even more emotion and mysticality than a color click. In its apparent simplicity and finesse, it is somehow characterful, powerful and carries a deep message.

I have tried to reproduce those feelings with my shots which I hope you'll like. They were both taken in color, then some effects were added to them and finally they were converted to black and white. I am no professional photographer, just an amateur, but I try my best to create candy for the eyes, so don't be too mean to me. Thanks.

Maple Syrup BW 1 bis
- Maple, North American Liquid Gold -


As good things come in threes, not long ago, I was approached by Correen at "Food Lovers' Website" who wanted to interview me. Being someone who is always honored when people show interest in my blog and little self, it was with pleasure that I accepted her kind proposition.

In order to kindle your interest, here's a short segment of that interview:

A rock n’ roll attitude, huh? Talk to us about how that shapes you and your blogging. Well, I have a cool attitude towards cooking and don’t take myself too seriously even if I prepare some serious grub. I experiment a lot and like to be a non-conformist in the kitchen (as I am in life in general). I like my music to be loud, honest, bold, passionate and spicy, and the same can be said about my food. So, my blogging reflects that.

Peeking into your life…what is a typical day of cooking and eating like for you? Generally, I don’t eat much during weekdays. As I am alone at home until the evening, I keep it simple and will have a salad or a soup. For dinner, I’ll prepare something more nourishing, but still quite humble. Then, around 9pm I’ll indulge in something sweet like a cake, a pudding or a dessert of some sort. As our budget is low, we can’t afford to eat luxurious meals or meat during the week, so I’ll cook modest, yet tasty vegetarian dishes from Monday to Friday. Then during the weekend, we’ll have a couple of bottles of good wine to accompany our gourmet meals. Whatever I make, I always try to use local, seasonal, healthy, non-industrial and quality ingredients. Everything I cook or bake is homemade, and I take pride in that.

So, if your curiousity has been piqued , please visit Correen's website. There you'll be able to read my answers to her questions...

Lonely Flower 1 2 bis


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