Monday, November 1, 2010

0 BEAR'S last day in Paris

BEAR sends you a last bisous/kiss from Paris. It's been such a lovely trip and the weather co-operated perfectly - plein de soleil et pas trop de pluie! BEAR did not ride a Velib - too busy running. BEAR did go to a FAB croissant tasting at Amy's, who didn't know she live in a 'chambre de bonne' once a maid's room. Amy fell in love with all the gorgeous views of Paris.
As one is inclined to do if one lives on the 6th floor up in Paris.
Ah ze croissant tasting.Miam-miam!
BEAR was in 7th heaven on the 6th floor.
Carol was in 7th heaven with all the pate de tartiner spreads (caramel au beurre sale, cocoa-honey, noisette, bla bla bla ) she brought along to put on those croissants. Carol forgot to take serious notes in her ummm state of spread-ecstacy.
Off to meet ex-pat gallerist Grace in Montmartre of galerie Chez Grace.
Grace took BEAR to Cafe des 2 Moulins - Amelie's cafe from the adorable movie on rue Lepic - YUM!
BEAR had quite a full day of eating on Saturday, that ended with a divine home-cooked dinner and delicious cabernet franc from Chateau du Petit Thouars.
Our Sunday flight was at 7 PM (19:10) so we killed time in W.H.Smith admiring bear stickers.
And jam stickers.
A last later run to the Raspail Bio marche.
For pommes to eat on the plane.
And a gift for our kind hostess, who dreams of eclair seame noir from Sadaharu Aoki
The curtain was coming down on Paris pastries for BEAR- it usually does by 2 pm on Sundays in Paris.
At Charles de Gaulle, BEAR cleverly grabbed a salade verte before boarding. AirFrance meals are not what they once were. A bit of browsing in the dutyfree is a must.
Especially Eiffel Towers...
BEAR as usual, checks out all the bears - Fauchon Bears are awfully appealing.
After a smooth AF flight and lots of zzzzzs,
BEAR bids New York BONJOUR


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