Monday, November 8, 2010

0 Alliance Française de Philadelphie Expo

Another opening...
As always macarons from Mad MacNYC and this time a lovely champagne...
J.Roget Champagne Who knew you could find Champagne like this?
'medium dry with crisp fruit flavors - aromas of apple and pear are balanced with a bouquet of toasty, yeasty notes and floral nuances' And for all of $5 bucks (shhhh - a pastry chef shared his secret brew with the Philadelphia Alliance Francaise...)
My sister kindly brought les fromages Francaises to boot...
I ran over to Philadelphia Friday afternoon...
And hung the show...
Photo by Bonnie Squires Photos by Bonnie Squirers

And so many PBers showed up!!!
Photo by Bonnie Squires Big Merci! You cleaned off the walls too!

Quite a few Paris cats found new homes...
Carol Gillott And Paris dogs...
Carol Gillott Champagne and...
Carol Gillott Bonbons were a favorite...
Carol Gillott As were Paris fishmongers...
BEAR did NOT make it to Philadelphie...

But fortunately a PBer,Janet brought along her bear, Pan, da bear.
Again I forgot to taste a thing. There were tropical fruit macarons this time from Mad Mac and everyone was raving...
Later I got a French lecon from my petit niece's daughter, Shira... Bonne idee non?
I got lecons in Swahili (piki-piki) and Italian too before my head hit the pillow.
A terrific book for kids and adults from Funix.
French Chocolate pot FYI:I've put up some watercolor sketch sheets of chocolate pots and Angelina cups I painted this summer at a $pecial price on Etsy for a limited time.


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