Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Lately, I have felt the need to learn more about England's unique food heritage and get closer to my British roots.

This country's cuisine is so interestin
g, delicious, yet so underrated and overlooked. Unfortunately, many people think that it is not worth the attention or that it's totally gross when, in fact, it is fabulous and has much to offer. It is for that reason that my aim is to show you England's rich as well as diverse culinary heritage through my future posts.

"Potted Cheese" is a humble as well as rustical dish that I have been enjoying since a very tender age. It is a kind of cheese terrine that is easily made, which doesn't cost much, is versatile and practical.

It is an excellent way to use up odd bits of cheese and can be kept in the refrigerator for several weeks. So, if ever you have semi-hard cheese leftovers and don't know what to do with them, then "Potted Cheese" is the solution!

Without having to fuss around in the kitchen, you'll be able to serve a toothsome appetitzer that goes perfectly well with bread, crackers and raw vegetables (especially with celery stalks).

The advantage with that paste is that you c
an flavor it in many ways (as it pleases you) and always have a pot on stock somewhere in the fridge. So, next time you have impromptu guests that show up inexpectedly at your place, you'll always have something fine at hand to offer them!

~ Potted Cheese ~
Recipe taken from Jane Grigson's "English Food" and adapted by Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums 2009.
Serves 4

250g Cheshire cheese or cheddar cheese, cubed
90g Butter, softened
A pinch paprika
A few drops red Tabasco
2-3 Tbs Red Port, Madeira or sherry
60g Walnuts, roasted and chopped

1. In a food processor, mix the cheese with the softened butter to a smooth paste.
2. Flavor it with with the paprika, Tabasco and wine.
3. Transfer the paste to a bowl and add the chopped walnuts.
4. Pot and decorate with walnut halves.
5. Store in the refrigerator.

Remove from the refrigerator about 1 hour before serving.
If you want to keep it for a while, cover your "Potted Cheese" with clarified butter.

Serving suggestions:
Spread on toast, bread and crackers or serve with vegetable sticks (celery stalks).


~ Terrine de Cheddar ~
Recette tirée du livre "English Food" de Jane Grigson et adaptée par Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums 2009.

Pour 4 personnes.

250g de Cheddar
90g de Beurre non-salé, à température ambiante
Une pincée de paprika
Quelques gouttes de Tabasco
2-3 CS de Porto, Madère ou sherry
60g de Noix de Grenoble, torréfiées et hachées grossièrement

1. Mettre le fromage et le beurre dans un mixer afin d'obtenir une pâte homogène.
2. Incorporer le paprika, le tabasco et l'alcool.
3. Transférer la pâte dans un bol et bien incorporer les noix.
4. Mettre dans un récipient et décorer avec des noix entières.
5. Garder au frigo.

Sortir du frigo une heure avant de servir.
Si vous voulez garder cette terrine pendant un certain temps, alors couvrez le dessus avec du beurre clarrifié.

Idée de présentation:
Servir cette pâte à tartiner sur du toast, du pain et des crackers ou avec des batonnets de légumes (surtout du céleri).


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