Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I can never resist the call for baking bars (also known as slices or squares, depending on the countries) and always feel very tempted by any recipe which's title contains this magical word...

Already, when I was a child, during my holidays in England (in Derbyshire/at my grandparents), I remember that I offen ordered slices (flapjacks, caramel nut crunch, chocolate topped crunchy slices, nanaimo bars, etc...) whenever we went ou for tea. Their promising looks, crunchiness, gooeyness, fudginess and lusciously comforting richness really spoke to me. Even nowadays, as a grown-up with matured tastes, I still feel that same uncontrolable attraction to this regressive treat!

This weekend, as I was browsing through my diverse cookbooks in search of something to bake. I had only one word in mind: bars. I absolutely had to fulfill this craving, so, I decided to choose a no-fuss recipe that would be made within no time at all, but which would still have that oomph factor that I ached for. And these "Amaretti, Apricot Jam & Coconut Bars" were exactly what I was looking for...

Contrarily to other bars, these dainty "Amaretti, Apricot Jam & Coconut Bars" are not too caloric (neither are they light) or overly sweet, nonetheless, they are as scrumptious and enjoyable as the "dirtier" (understand "luxurious" and "hearty") versions.

With their three layers as well as their divine, yet somewhat old-fashioned flavor combination, these bars are real crowd pleasers. The buttery vanilla shortbread cake layer pairs wonderfully well with the perky apricot aroma of the second layer as well as with the exquisite taste of the almond-coconut layer.

The kind of sweet treat that is perfect for any occasion

~ Amaretti, Apricot Jam & Coconut Bars ~
Recipe taken from The Australian Woman's Weekly "Cakes & Slices" cookbook and adapted by Rosa @ Rosa's yummy Yums 2009.

Ingredients for the "Shortbread":
90g (3/4 stick) Unsalted butter
1/2 Cup (105g) castor sugar
1/2 Tsp Pure vanilla extract
1 Big egg (~70g)
1 Cup (127.5g) Plain flour, sifted
1/3 Tsp Baking powder
1/2 Tsp Salt
1/2 Cup (180g) Homemade apricot jam
Ingredients for the "Topping":
2 Big eggs (~70g)
1/3 Cup (70g) Castor sugar
1/2 Tsp Almond essence
1 Cup (120g) Unsweetened, grated coconut
1 Cup (160g) Ground almonds

Method for the "Shortbread":
1. Preheat the oven to 180° C (350° F).
2. Grease a 20x20cm (8x8 inches) pan.
3. In a medium bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and salt.
4. Cream the butter together with the sugar, until pale in color and fluffy.
5. Add the egg and vanilla, and incorporate well.
6. then, incorporate the flour mixture in two batches.
7. With the help of a spatula, spread the batter/pastry evenly over the base of the prepared pan, then spread the jam over the batter/pastry.
Method for the "Topping":
8. In a medium bowl, beat the eggs with a fork, add
the almond essence, then beat in the sugar, coconut and almonds.
9. Spread the topping evenly over the jam.
10. Bake for 35 minutes.

11. Let cool and a rack, in the pan.

If you wish, you may sustitute any jam (raspberry, str
awberry, mango, passion fruit, etc...) for apricot jam and use 2 cups grated coconut instead of the 1 cup grated coconut and 1 cup ground almonds mentioned in the recipe, or replace the castor sugar by light brown sugar.
These bars keep for up to 4 days.

Serving suggestions:
Enjoy at any time of the day and night and serve on any occasion!

See my other bar recipes here.


~ Barres A La Confiture d'Abricot, A La Noix de Coco et Aux Amandes ~
Recette tirée du livre "Cakes & Slices" de The Australian Woman's Weekly et adaptée par Rosa @ Rosa's yummy Yums 2009.

Ingrédients pour la "Pâte Sablée":
90g de Beurre non-salé
1/2 Tasse (105g) de Sucre cristallisé
1/2 CC d'Extrait de vanille pure
1 Gros oeuf (~70g)
1 Tasse (127.5g) de Farine blanche/fleur, tamisée 1/3 CC de Poudre à lever/cake
1/2 CC de Sel
1/2 Tasse (180g) de Confiture d'abricot maison
Ingrédients pour la "Couche A l'Amande Amère Et A La Noix De Coco":
2 Gros oeufs (~70g)
1/3 Tasse (70g) de Sucre cristallisé
1/2 CC d'Essence d'amande
1 Tasse (120g) de Noix de coco rapée
1 Tasse (160g) d'Amandes moulues

Méthode pour la "Pâte Sablée":
1. Préchauffer le four à 180° C (350° F).
2. Graisser une plaque de 20x20cm (8x8 inches).
3. Dans un bol moyen, mélanger ensemble la farine, la poudre à lever et le sel.
4. Battre le beurre en pommade avec le sucre.
5. Ajouter l'oeuf et l'extrait de vanille. Bien battre afin d'obtenir un mélange homogène.
6. Incorporer délicatement le mélange farine/poudre à lever/sel en deux temps.
7. A l'aide d'une maryse, étaler la pâte sur le fond du moule de mannière égale, puis étaler la confiture sur la pâte.
Méthode pour la "Couche A l'Amande Amère Et A La Noix De Coco":
8. Dans un bol moyen, battre les oeufs avec une fourchette, ajouter l'essence d'amande et incorporer le sucre, la noix de coco ainsi que les amandes moulues.
9. Etaler ce mélange sur la confiture.
10. Cuire pendant 35 minutes.
11. Laisser refroidir sur une grille, dans le moule.

Si vous le désirez, vous pouvez tout à fait remplacer la confiture d'abricot par tout autre confiture de votre choix (framboise, fraise, mangue, fruits de la passion, etc...) et utiliser 2 tasses de noix de coco rapée au lieu de la tasse de noix de coco et la tasse d'amandes moulues, ou remplacer le sucre cristallisé par du sucre brun clair.
ces barres peuvent être gardées 4 jours.

Idées de présentation:
A déguster à toute heure de la journée ou de la nuit et en toute circonstances!

Pour consulter mes autres recettes de barres, clicker ici.


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