Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I'm a big fan of spreads and pastes as they are very practical, tasty and versatile. What makes them very exciting is that they can be paired with so many different accompaniments such as bread, crackers, savory biscuits, vegetables sticks and even with pasta or boiled potatoes. The association possibilities are endless...

I've also always loved smoked kipper fillets
(in a tin/Appel brand) as they are healthy, incredibly delicious, cheap, very convenient and can be used in so many ways in order to make quick, easy, toothsome as well as quality meals...

So, for the farewell dinner that we organized on the o
ccasion of our friends Jessica (see her blog "In Search Of Desssert") & Jonathan's definitive departure from Switzerland (they are going to start a new life in Austin, Texas), I decided that it would be a good idea to whip up some lip-smackingly luscious "Smoked Herring (Kippers) Rillettes" in order to serve them with my delightful "Hazelnut Golden Raisin Baguette" (see The King Arthur Flour recipe here).

These scrumptious and well-balanced rillettes were very popular and so was the bread. Both disappeared very rapidely. A real delicacy!

~ Smoked Herring (Kipper) Rillettes ~
Recipe by Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums 2009

Makes enough paste to fill 5 espresso cups.


125g Smoked herring fillets (tin), drained
150g Cream cheese
1/2 Tsp Preserved lemon puree (see remarks)
1 1/2 Tbs Lemon juice
2 Tsps Capers, washed, drained and coarsely chopped
1/4 Tsp Piment d'Espelette (see remarks)
1 Pinch Paprika
1/2 Tsp Walnut oil (optional)
20g Chives, finely chopped
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste

1. With the help of a fork, crumble the fish fillets very finely.
2. Add all the other ingredients and work the mixture into a homogenous paste.
3. Pipe the paste (or drop spoonfulls of it) into es
presso cups.
4. Refrigerate 1 hour before serving (see

To make the preserve lemon puree, take a slice/piece preserved lemon and puree it with a fork. If you don't have any preserved lemons, just use the same quantity grated lemon.
Piment d'Espelette or Espelette pepper
s is a Basque chili powder. If you can't find any, use the same quantity of any chili powder.
I recommend you to keep the rilletttes in the fridge, overnight as the flavors tend to develop better that way.

Serving suggestions:
Serve this spread with "Lavash Crackers"
, "Oatcakes", "Smoky Chili Crackers", "Tiny Curry Scones", "Matzoh Sheets" or homemade bread (see bread recipes).


~ Rillettes A l'Harreng Fumé ~
Recette par Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums 2009.

Pour 5 tasses à espresso.

125g de Filets de hareng fumé (conserve), égouttés
150g de Cream cheese (type Philadelphia)
1/2 CC de Purée de citron confit (voir remarques)
1 1/2 CS de Jus de citron
2 CC de Câpres, lavées, égouttées et hachées grossièrement
1/4 CC de Piment d'Espelette
1 Pincée de Paprika
1/2 CC d'Huile de noix (en option)
20g de Ciboulette, finement hachée
Salt, à volonté
Poivre, à volonté

1. A l'aide d'une fourchette, émietter (finement) les filets.
2. Ajouter tous les autres ingrédients et bien mélanger afin d'obtenir une pâte homogène.
3. Remplir chaque tasse à l'aide d'une poche à douille (ou à la cuillère).
4. Réfrigérer au moins une heure avant de servir.

Ecraser le morceau de citron confit à l'aide d'une fourchette, ainsi vous obtiendrez une purée. Si vous n'avez pas de citrons confits, alors utilisez la même quantité de zeste de citron.
Le Piment d'Espelette est une poudre de piments doux en provenance du pays basque
. Si vous n'en trouvez pas, alors vous pouvez utiliser la même quantité de piment en poudre.
Je vous recommande de garder les rillettes pendant au moins toute une nuit au frigo car, de cette manière, les saveurs se développent mieux.

Idées de présentation:
Servez ces rillettes avec des "Crackers Lavash", des "Palets A l'Avoine/Oatcakes", des "Crackers Au Piment Fumé", des "Minis Scones Au Curry", du "Pain Azyme" ou du pain maison (voir mes recettes).


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