Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Every week, Ruth at "Once Upon A Feast" from Halifax (Nova Scotia, Canada) organizes an event that takes place on Fridays. It's called "Presto Pasta Nights" (see infos and rules). The 95th edition is already on it's way and as you have maybe guessed, it's all about pasta!

It has always been my dream to make my own pasta, but since I don't have a pasta machine, I never thought that it'd be worth giving it a try as I believed that handmade pasta would be of inferior quality...

Not long ago, I made "Chicken Parmesan/Chicken Parmigiana" (see recipe from Bon Appétit), a luscious Italian dish with which I have madly fallen in love with. When looking into my cupboards, I came to the conclusion that there was no bought pasta worthy of that delightful dish and that if I wanted to hoghlight this dishe's delightfullness, I had no other choice than to produce the pasta myself. That's how I ended up making "Tagliatelle" from scratch!

Thanks to the great kitchen bible The Silver Spoon
's easy to make and straight forward recipe, I am now able to prepare the most succulent pasta I have ever eaten in all my life. Even an Italian Mama would be proud of me (well, at least, I hope it would be the case!)! Homemade pasta are by far superior (taste- and flavor-wise) to any store-bought ones. They are incomparable...

These melt-in-the-mouth fresh "Tagliatelle" are perfect. With
their delicate, soft, silky and stretchy texture as well as their wonderful eggy taste, you'll just simply be incapable not to make them again and again and again. They are so addictive!

You'll never grow tired of the endless possibilities (lasagna, ravioli, canelloni, etc...) this basic pasta dough offers and the intense pleasure confered by your pastaiolo creations. A priceless gourmet's drug!

Italy isn't all that far after all...

~Tagliatelle ~
Recipe by "The Silver Spoon" and
adapted by Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums.

Serves 3-4.

1 3/4 Cups (200g) All-purpose flour, plus extra for kneading
2 Large eggs (~63g), lightly beaten
A pinch salt
Semolina (semolina di grano duro) flour, for dusting

1. Sift the flour and a pinch of salt into a mound on the counter/working surface.
2. Make a well in the center and add the eggs.
3. Using your fingers,
gradually incorporate the flour, then knead for about 10 minutes.
Shape the dough into a ball, cover with a towel and let rest for 15 minutes.

5. Cut the dough in four pieces, then dust your counter with semolina flour and roll one of the pieces as thin as possible (1-2 mm/0.25-0.5 inches).
6. Cut thin strips (see method here) a
nd place on your towl.
7. Process in the same way with the remaining pieces of dough.
8. Dust the pasta with extra semolina flour and let them "dry
" on the towel for about 3 hours.
9. Cook in simmering water for about 2-3 minutes.

10. Drain, add olive oil or butter and serve.

While kneading, if the dough is too soft, add a little extra flour and if it is too firm, add a little water.
Try to get a rectangle when rolling the dough.
You can use this dough to make any pasta (lasagna, ravioli, canelloni, fettucini, etc...).
Remember that for 100g flour, you'll need 1 egg. Knowing that, you'll be able to play with quantities.

Serving suggestions:
Serve these pasta with the sauce or accompaniment of your choice (see my sauce recipes here) and enjoy without moderation.
I highly recommend this combo: truffle oil and shaved parmesan.


~Tagliatelle ~
Recette tirée du livre "La Cuillère d'Argent" et adaptée par
Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums.

Pour 3-4 personnes.


200g de Farine blanche/fleur, plus un peu pour le pétrissage
2 Gros oeufs (~63g), battus légèrement
Une pincée de sel
Farine de blé dur (semolina di grano duro), pour saupoudrer le plan de travail

1. Tamiser la farine et le sel, et former un puits sur votre plan de travail.
2. Ajouter les oeufs.

3. A l'aide de vos doigts, incorporer graduellement la farine, puis pétrir la boule de pâte obtenue pendant 10 minutes.
Bouler la pâte, la couvrir avec un linge et la laisser reposer 15 minutes.
5. Diviser votre boule de pâte en 4 pâtons, puis saupoudrer votre surface de travail avec la farine de blé dur et rouler votre pâton (travailler 1/4 de la pâte à la fois) aussi finement que possible (1-2 mm).

6. Découper des bandes fines (voir méthode) et longues, puis les placer sur un linge.
7. Procéder de la même manière avec les 3 autres pâtons.

8. Saupoudrer vos pâtes avec un peu de farine de blé dur et laissez-les "sécher" sur votre linge pendant trois heures.
9. Cuire les pâtes dans de l'eau bouillante pendant 2-3 minutes.
10. Egoutter les pâtes, ajouter de l'huile d'olive ou du beurre et servir.

Pendant que vous pétrissez la pâte, rajoutez un peu de farine si elle est trop molle/humide ou rajoutez de l'eau (une CC à la fois) si elle est trop sèche.
Essayez d'obtenir un rectangle lorsque vous roulez votre pâton.
Vous pouvez utiliser cette pâte pour faire n'importe quel type de pâtes (lasagna, raviolis, canelloni, fettucini, etc...).
N'oubliez pas que poue 100g de farine, il vous faudra 1 oeuf. Sachant cela, vous pourrez jouer avec les quantités.

Idées de présentation:
Servez ces pâtes avec la sauce ou l'accompagnement de votre choix (voir mes recettes de sauces ici) et dégustez sans modération.

Je vous recommande cette merveilleuse association: huile de truffes et parmesan en copeaux.


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