Sunday, March 20, 2011


King Fridolin 1.2 bis

12.04.1995 - 18.03.2011

This last Friday has been a very sad and traumatizing day for my boyfriend and I...

After having vanquished his terminal tumor in March 2010 (WCB #250 & WCB #251) our beloved soon to be 16 years old Fridolin (aka Kiki, Fridi, Köter, Kikinette, Féfette, Mosquito, Rätli, Äffli, Yammerli, Pinpin, Rabätli, Fledchen, etc...) was finally defeated by a form of cancer which attacked his whole body within a matter of days.

For a whole year he had been totally healthy, running around like a young cat, eating with appetite and showing only signs of vitality. Unfortunately, on the 11th of March his belly suddenly got extremely swollen and his digestive system started not working well anymore. On Tuesday the 15th the veterinary diagnosed a hairball problem and we were relieved to know that he didn't have a more serious problem. Alas, within a few days his condition degraded very fast and he stopped eating, began vomiting fluorescent bile, walked with much difficulty and showed symptoms of neurological disorder. So, on Friday the 18th, we called the vet again. This time his verdict was painstakingly negative and we felt as if our world crumbled down when he pronounced the word "euthanasia". Fridolin was suffering way too much and he had to get released from his pain as soon as possible .

This is how, on this sunny and bright spring afternoon of March our brave little fluffball left this world surrounded by love and light. With all my heart, I pray he has found peace and is in an ever better place now. He derserves it as he was such a courageous, angelic, beautiful and wonderful companion who brought us so much joy and gave us tons of affection.

Fridolin, we are already missing your wet kisses, cuddliness, uniqueness, smooth and lush coat, love-filled eyes, warm company, monkey-like races across the apartment, the sweet perfume of your squeaky-clean fur and the way you danced around our feet when we put on our shoes (we called it the "Schuhtanz/shoe dance").

You were a divine being with a golden soul who was sent to us by the Universe in order to make our life happier and you never complained or was unsatisfied with what we offered you. For that we are very thankful and we hope that you received all the attention you deserved.

Rest In Peace, dear Friend.


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