Friday, February 25, 2011

0 Pastry Sketch Crawl Returns!

Yesterday was major. I got my walking papers to venture back into the Big Apple (with a cane but I'm now allowed to climb up the stairs alternate steps instead of one-step-at-a-time!)
A chance to return to the Pastry Sketch Crawl begun in late January...
With some reservations bien sur...
NO sitting for hours on end (that upended me into a sciatica episode)...
Back to tres chic Cafe Petrossian.
Though Lord knows why I picked out exactly the SAME tarte as last fateful visit...
I must have a deep hidden attraction to strawberries...
If not to pate brisee crust. I only stayed a half hour and sketched a bit. No point tempting the Gods of Sciatica again.
I returned home to paint in bed...
This seems to be a lucky painting spot for me along with Nom de la Rose teas...
Au Nom de la Rose Au Nom de la Rose Teas, watercolor on Etsy, 9" x 11"
I could not resist a quick look in Bergdorf Goodman's windows...
At some 'tartie' shoes I may never venture out in again (not that I did in the past...ahem) Farewell M. Louboutin :(


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